
Why is it that certain foods such as fake sugar could give you a more likely chance of Cancer?

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Isn't cancer from IV rays?




  1. No documented or scientific evidence exists that fake sugar (not good for lab rats though) or any food is more likely to give anyone cancer. All the ideas are based on opinion and theory and rarely on factual evidence. For instance . . you won't be able to find one patient who has gotten cancer from 'fake sugar' . . not one. No one knows what causes the majority of cancers . . thus the reason for so much speculation . . people want to believe that a disease like cancer can be explained and thus controlled. It is mostly people who do not have cancer or who have never dealt with the disease who believe in this way. And, since no one knows what 'causes' cancer . . these types of ideas seem like they might have merit. Except for one small point . . cancer isn't a new disease . . it has been around long, long before fake sugar came on the market. Cancer is an ancient disease that predates every single environmental or diet related 'cause'.  Cancer has been found in the remains of ancient human beings. Egyptian mummies have been found with breast cancer. Hippocrates is credited with the word 'cancer' and was the among the first to describe the disease. People need to become familiar with the History of cancer and stop thinking  of it as a 'modern disease' . . it's not.

    ACS: The history of cancer

  2. There is different types of cancer, skin cancer is but one. Our bodies naturally work to cleanse and take nutrients from foods and water but sometimes our bodies overload. Artificial additives and over proccessed foods can stop the body doing its job properly and thus, as a result -  develop cancers.

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