
Why is it that drivers hardly ever pay attention to pedestrians at crosswalks?

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Are they really in that much of a hurry that they HAVE to block the crosswalk when they're stopped at a light?




  1. yes they are in a hurry, if you haven't noticed just about everyone in the usa is running around like a chicken with their head cut off.

  2. I have seen a lot of pedestrians just walk out onto a crossing looking the opposite direction and not making sure the cars are going to stop, and have had people walk in front of my car (not on a crossing) without even checking that I have seen them.........who has the most protection? I don't think they value their own lives.

    It is annoying when cars block the crossing too - I agree.

  3. I try my best to never block the crosswalk because I cant stand that behavior either. I think people think that since they are enclosed in a vehicle, they are of more importance, and the "road" is only for them. "Share" the road is not understood by most drivers. What I understand- is the LAW- where I live (Massachusetss) you can not obstruct a crosswalk and you must yield to pedistrians. I do it anyways because its right, but being against the law is another perk to keep dum-@ss drivers to do the right thing.

  4. Most of the answers here are right on.  People in cars are too busy to really watch what is going on around them, that is why driver distraction is the #1 reason people get into crashes.  The distractions are usually inside the car cell phones, occupants, eating, kids screaming in the backseat, radio, droping something and trying to pick it up etc.  People forget that they are controling a 2500 lbs or more vehicle and literily never see the person that they hit.  It is scary but true.

  5. .

    Sitting in a comfortable seat, climate control on, music on and closed off from the rest of the world.......


  6. you get a ticket for that here.................and we have to yield to them if they decide to walk out in front of us because they're tired of waiting for the traffic light a block away in some spots.

  7. Cars are bigger and heavier than people - Drivers lose some of their brain when they get behind the wheel

  8. With one hand for the cell phone and the other for putting on makeup, it's hard to look for stuff outside the car. If you don't like the way I drive, stay off the sidewalk.

    *** added ***

    I see a lot of people who drive like that, so I assume they DO think like that.  I saw a large vehicle with the bumper sticker "If you don't like..." and he did clip the sidewalk as he went around a corner.  You just have to assume you're invisible around drivers like that, and act defensively.

  9. This tells the driving sense of the person.....which is obviously very bad.

  10. Plain and simple..............stupidity and in a hurry..

  11. most likely they are distracted...

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