
Why is it that e.bay sides towards the buyer?

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after selling really good quality stuff I get complaints and bad reviews posted .

nothing I can do cos e.bay doesn't allow sellers to reply negatively. Try to complain to e bay and they say they don't takes sides, but obviously they do.

Why do buyers do it? tell lies about items received? well so as the seller feel obliged to reimburse the buyers costs to try to get their good reputation back.

whats your opinion, do you think its fair?.




  1. Ebay is in a process of transition. It wants to drop its "flea bay" image and reinvent itself as more like an online shopping mall. This is its declared corporate strategy from its US headquarters.

    One aspect of this strategy is to rid itself of small business sellers, and what you've described is doing the job very well. If you don't like being ripped off by buyers, then leave Ebay. They'll be only too happy to see you go!

    In the future Ebay sellers will be mostly medium-sized businesses which are used to dealing online or via mail order, and which know the distance selling regulations and other consumer protection legislation inside out. Equally importantly, they'll know how to deal with bad customers and won't easily be taken for a ride by them. Of course there will always be some losses, but "stock shrinkage" happens even in bricks-and-mortar retailing (shoplifting, staff theft, breakages etc).

    Once the small cheap unprofessional sellers have gone from Ebay, the remainder can raise their prices to cover such losses.

    No doubt some other website will take over the flea market sector.

  2. This is not fair at all, this issue is increasing and ebay should sort it out.  Selling quality stuff is a  good thing but cant see why people would give you a bad reputation unless they're jealous! Lol hmmm.

    Other sites like and or don't have that or this 'review sellers items' stuff - if the buyers' interested they just buy.

  3. I agree with you that the new system is awful. I had some idiot not bother to read my very accurate description and then blast me with bad feedback. Fortunately, his spelling was dreadful and his rant was laughable, but I've lost my 100% forever.

    The problem before was that sellers would withhold feedback until they received positive feedback from the buyer. If the buyer left negative feedback, the seller would retaliate with negative feedback and both would end up withdrawing their feedback.

    So the old system was bad.... the new system is bad... I just don't use ebay much any more. Can you think of a better system?

  4. i had the same myself, the buyer said the stuff was scratched and wanted a discount, i said no and to return it, she stopped the paypal payment then said she wouldn't return it because she liked most of the stuff and only wanted a discount, so she could buy new bit to replace the scratched bits, they only make this stuff up to get money off, and as you said ebay and paypal always make you feel like your selling duuff gear and we wasn't. i stuck it out and said i will only accept the full payment, or a return.she sent the money in the end !

  5. The costumer is always right.

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