
Why is it that every moron on the planet think they can play poker?

by  |  earlier

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since the stupid conception of online poker everyone and thier no brains think they can play. oh and by the way stop being cheap and tip you local poker dealers, they are tired of working for nothing, otherwise you can deal your own game at home




  1. Yup, don't you just love it!

    Some people watch TV and think "Boy, this looks easy"  and boom! - more fish are hatched and swim right to the table.

    I have been playing Texas Holdem for many years, and I have never seen anything like the last few years, mostly since MoneyMaker won. The best part of it is that most of these new players play the cards and rely on luck.

    Skilled players are cleaning up now, even if they are just grinding it out in ring games. At my local casino, I see it every time I play, people broadcasting their hands and their bluffs, using really bad starting hand selection, and not even understanding what position is all about.

    You are tight on about tipping. The dealers at my local casino know me, and know they will get toked regularly. While there is no advantage the dealer can provide the player, it sure is a lot more enjoyable when the dealer is a happy camper. and some well timed tips do the job!

    Tournament play is a bit different, since you have no real value chips to tip with, but then the dealers do remember you from ring games if you are a frequent player.

    And just every once in a while it sure helps my table image for a dealer to say Hi and chat with me. On one hand it lets the fish know I am a player, but on the other hand it makes them think twice about taking me on!

    During the game a friendly dealer can also provide a few well timed chat comments that build my table image a bit more.

    Those tokes can be a very good investment!

    Keep those morons coming, please! LOL.

  2. Moneymaker effect: he got a lot of coverage as *just* an online qualifier, so he got no respect from anybody. So, when he won, every bum thought they could do it.

  3. poker takes time to learn. IT took me months to be good at poker...

  4. Anytime there is a chance of getting some quick money any one and everyone is going to try it!

  5. First of all, practically every moron can play poker as long as they do not mind losing.

    Some of us who play know we are not particularly good at it, but we know two other things as well:

    (1) You don't have to be good to win if the others at the table are worse than you are, and

    (2) You are not likely to get better if you do not play.


  6. i will deal my own game at home playing low limits in a casino is the biggest rip off out there.  $50 with $20 in fees what a joke

    anyone interested in free $ to play at the top online poker rooms no deposit or credit card needed?

  7. Is this about playing poker or tipping the dealer?  Internet players may not the know that it is customary to tip the deal after each win (unless the winning is really small).  Someone simply needs to tell them that.  Don't get frustrated when they hit their 2 outs on the river or call your all-in with marginal hands and got lucky.   If you are a better poker player than them, then you cannot let these kind things bother you.

  8. Because They Would Like To Get Extra Money, And Some Are Pretty Good At It.

  9. Being angry at the fish does not get your chips back.  Letting them play bad hands makes money for you.  Trying to get revenge by playing bad hands will put you a  deeper hole money wise.

    Tipping is not mandatory.  You decide if you have received good service.  Sometimes I do not tip if I am stuck deep but mostly I tip upon winning a hand.

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