
Why is it that every single religious person ive met is just, well, not very good?

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Why is it that every single religious person ive met is just, well, not very good?




  1. Well in a way you answered your own question.  You are meeting people that are trying to be religious.  And that is the problem.  We (Christians) are suppose to be Christ-Like not religious.  Religions came from man, not God.  Religion is man's twist on God's theology.  Man adds to and takes away in places that fits his purpose.  The Bible says in 1st Thessalonians 5:21& 22  Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. If you read in the Gospels (Matt, Mark, Luke & John) you will see that Jesus Christ did not focus on religion.  So you shouldn't either.  You should focus on the Word of God.  And if some one comes to you with "religious talk" tell them to show you in the Word.

    Stay blessed  

  2. Good at what? And how odd as I now so many dear souls. But the only truly "Good " person I know is Christ.

  3. Maybe they are full of their own self importance. I mean being all christian like, bloody hypocrites....

  4. That's a shame they like the name and don't play the game. Religious non-participants. God Bless you.

  5. Compared to whom?

    There are religious people all over the earth. Who are the non-religious...atheists only? There's is a religion, too.

    Everyone is religious in some way. The very word religion simply means: a set of beliefs by which you explain reality to yourself.

    You are religious.

    Your question needs clarification.  

  6. Because if they're really good they wouldn't be shoving their faith in your face so you wouldn't know that they're religious in the first place?

  7. Because the very worst people use religion as cover. Always have done. Common sense, really.


  8. Not every good at doing what?

  9. Because religon is not very good?

  10. Anyone who's truly good wouldn't need religion.  Christ came to call sinners.  There's always room for another one.

  11. I was once on a committee when I worked in public service.

    It was called the "Aboriginal Mental Health Action Group" AMHAG.

    The organiser was a devout Christian and one day insisted on opening the meeting with a prayer. This was a government meeting to discuss public health issues.

    After a while I realised most of the committee members were Christians who only seemed interested in hitting the gravy train, you know, getting training for themselves, going to the Capital and staying in hotels. Basically they were in it for the job which paid good money.

    My niece is aboriginal and had a break down. Do you think she could get access to a Mental Health nurse? No!

    I agree. Most religious people I meet are only interested in socialising and feathering their own nests.

  12. i'm not good either so you can add me to your list

  13. Cos you havent met me yet.

  14. Your not old enough yet.

    If you meet religious people at 1 per hour, then I calculate that you will have a 50:50 chance of meeting a good one shortly before your 98th birthday.

    On a Tuesday.

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