
Why is it that every time you stop at a red light the radio staion goes staticy but when you go again its fine

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My mom thinks it has something to do with the cameras above the lights that intefere with the radio signal.




  1. I agree that it is your car, not the cameras.  By law, transmissions on frequencies can not be knowingly blocked or interfered with, especially by a government agency [which is why it is legal to own a radar detector].  Most likely, some electrical leakage or a loose antenna connection.

  2. It depends....

    If it's every time you stop, even in the middle of nowhere and it gets staticy , then it's usually the alternator or ignition part of the system.

    But I agree with the other person and it's usually a faulty timer system casting off RF or I've found the actual lights themselves cause the issue depending upon what kind of light it is (even the florescent lighting at the corner can cause it)

  3. The light control box, on a corner.  Interference from the signal's impulses/timer to change the light.

  4. We have that problem when it's cloudy. Or when the weather is bad.


  5. it could be your car, the electric system,  the engine slows when car is stopped, the alternator goes slower, but when driving again it gets better

  6. it might be -happens to my radio too.. especially at this one stoplight here in town..but gets better as we drive away from it

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