
Why is it that everyone has a problem with kurt busch?

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i know that when he first started in the sprint cup that he was bumping people around but hey didnt earnhardt sr. do that to or was i blind as to him rattling there roll cage kurt busch has done nothing wrong in a while besides that incident with tony stewart but that was just tony stewart being his little whiny self




  1. I don't have a problem with him. He has mellowed out and I think he

    is cool these days.

  2. I don't have a problem with Kurt or Kyle. However, if I had to pick between the two, I like Kurt a lot better than Kyle.

  3. i don't dislike fact i drew a picture of him making out with his wife which i will show soon

  4. I don't have a problem with Kurt anymore, he was a bit of a whiner until he won the championship then he calmed down alot now he's okay. i hope his brother does the same.  

  5. kurt busch is like my 6th favorite driver, i mean he did bumb people awhile ago but hes come a ways since then.

    although penske is not doing good anymore, i think he should switch to a different team

  6. those are some very lame insinuations. And what the fx@k does Tony Stewart have to do with your perception of people not liking Kurt Busch. I perceive everybody to like every driver. Be a true fan, or "go blow away "    

  7. No problem. I just thnk he is odd and everything he says seems scripted and rehearsed. Did someone tell the guy he just didn't get through winning a snowmobile race? He could get seriously hurt doing snow angels in the middle or a race track. We call that road kill where I'm from.

  8. I don't have a problem with Kurt.........he has matured. A few years ago would have been a different story...............

  9. I like Kurt on and off the track and don't understand it myself but Superdave will give you a better answer on this one.

  10. I don't think many people have an issue with Kurt these days.  Early in his career he was a lot like Kyle (not quite as annoying) though.  After his run in with Jimmy Spencers fist and the police he really changed.  He seems like a good likable guy now.  He really matured very quickly after that.

  11. No problem here.

  12. Kurt Busch is not the problem. It is his brother Kyle who is the problem

  13. I don't really have a problem with Kurt, but that piece of c**p Kyle is a real p****r head.. He's just to arrogant, and yes Earnhardt did "bump" and was criticized really bad, but when it comes to Kyle, well, why s he such a hero. Does any other driver like him. I'm not even sure Kurt is that crazy about him. h**l, Kyle's even wrecked Kurt.

  14. no its actually kyle that the problem now.

  15. I have no problem with Kurt. He has gained maturity and is a good driver. His brother Kyle....that's a whole different story. He can take driver out or pull dumb stuff like he did Saturday night & it's ok, but Lord forgive if someone does it to him. As soon as someone deflates his ego he'll be alright and it's gonna happen. He is a good driver, he just needs to grow up. JMO  =o`)

  16. I am a fan of Kurt Busch. If only Kyle was as cool as he is now.  

  17. No problem with Kurt. Kyle is immature, needs to grow up. His mommy never told him not to call other people names. I don't think he looks in a mirror.

  18. They just have to hate on someone!

  19. He appears to have mellowed. Jimmy Spencer and Stewart could answer better than me. I don`t care much for him. Since he quit Rousch. I do think he is talented. Penske racing equipment is not the best in the world.

  20. Not many people like Kurt and Kyle. They don't know what they're missing out on. Give them a couple years and like Kurt they will start liking Kyle also. And all of us who have liked him all along will be like booya ***ches

  21. I think when he started out and won the championship, he had an arrogance to his personality that just rubbed people the wrong way. He's a good driver and Penske has really let him down, but when you come across cocky to even the fans you won't make very many.

  22. No problem with Kurt, he's ok, a few yrs ago, he had a bit of an attitude, he's ok now though.

    Could you possibly be talking about his little bro?  Kyle? Sometimes Kyle has an attitude, and what I thought was so funny was when Carl gave him a baby bump, he gets all uptight?  Man!  Hello!  Guess Kyle forgets he's done his fair share of bumps, and even baby bumps....


  23. I don't know, cause I love Kurt Busch.

  24. i dont

  25. I have a lot of respect for Kurt Busch, and never mind seeing him do well. Ever since he was fired from Roush, he has had a better attitude. His brother Kyle on the other hand is a different story.

  26. I like Kurt Busch alot, I don't have a problem with him. I liked his driving style.

    He does need to find a new team to get back where he once was  

  27. I don't have a problem with him at all. I'm a huge fan. He was a little rough around the edges at first when he came into cup and still has his moments but Kurt has matured by leaps and bounds. I think Penske is holding him back a little but I think the main thing with Penske and Kurt is that they are way behind everyone in getting the COT car figured out. Penske has alot od smart people at that race shop and will get things figured out. I hope they do anyway.

  28. Kurt used to bug me a lot more when he was younger and causing a ton of wrecks.  Now he seems to have mellowed some, maybe marriage has helped him mature?  Kyle is a lot like Kurt was and I don't care for him much either.  Who knows, maybe my opinion of him will also change?  He needs to grow up a little and whine less before that happens.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  29. I don't have a problem with Kurt. I actually like him. But as far as people who used to dislike him, I think that torch has been passed to his younger brother Kyle now.

  30. I don't have a problem with Kurt at all! I think he's grown as a person and a driver a lot since he first started and he's shown a lot of maturity and respect as far as I'm concerned!

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