
Why is it that everytime i go to my math class, i feel incredibly nervous and uncomfortable/ insecure?

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and i feel more nervous when the teacher looks at me when i sit down in my seat




  1. i'm guessing math may not be your best subject


    your math teacher may be one of those strict, intimidating types

  2. Not everybody enjoys Maths - it was not mine I have to admit.   I found it all very complicated and intimidating too so can understand your dilemma.

    Recently I took myself to college to learn basic maths and am glad I did.  I told the teacher I was hopeless at it when I was at school and did not understand how to do certain aspects of it and she soon put me at my ease and it made me realise that it was not as awful as I once thought it was.   The methods used to teach maths nowadays are totally different to what they were when I was at school many many years ago..

    If you can have a quiet word with your tutor before class and tell him or her how you are feeling and dreading these classes, perhaps they can come up with some constructive and positive suggestions to prepare yourself in advance.   Tell the teacher you want to be intelligent about this dreaded subject and want to learn too but there is this mental block getting in the way at the moment.

    Instead of feeling nervous and uncomfortable towards the subject, look at the subject through different eyes.       Say to yourself "I can, I will, I shall" rather than subconsciously saying "I can't, I won't, I don't".    Give yourself an inner boost of confidence by telling yourself that although you feel awkward and uneasy that you can do this subject and want to learn how to.

    There are various sites on the internet where you can test your maths skills - one is called Skillswise I think and it is in different levels of difficulty.    Get family members or close friends to give you some Maths practice too.   Borrow some old maths exam papers from school to see just what you can and cannot do and if needs be, have some private tutition.

    I do wish you well in this.   Just tell  yourself you can do this subject and that you want to make a success of it as well.   Have a go.

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