
Why is it that everytime people sneeze their head bows or lowers? ?

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I've never seen a person sneeze without moving their head.




  1. My 1st guess would be the body's defense against vulnerability. During the act of a sneeze, you cannot see, and well, basically you just withdraw from the world for those couple of seconds. You cannot defend yourself, nor can you see threats coming your way, be they chemical, projectile, or animal. If you are bent down, you are more protected from the elements during this vulnerable and involuntary act..

    My second guess is that a sneeze is so violent and overpowering, and involves so many parts of the body to make it happen, that maybe are poor bodies just can't help themselves.

    My third theory is the collective memory of humanity. We are the only animal embarrassed by our own sneezing. By bowing our heads down, we are directing the sneeze DOWN and away from others, out of politeness. Maybe the human animal has done this for so many centuries, that it has become an inborn instinct. When we humans sneeze, we bow our heads MUCH lower than any other animal I can think of!

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