
Why is it that everytime someone criticizes or says anything negative about China, it means they are jealous?

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Sure, maybe some are just jealous? But maybe some are just telling the truth? Should everyone just praise China just to show they are not jealous?

Even the child 'singer' was fake, meaning she was not singing. It was another child that was singing but they don't want to show her because she is not pretty enough which was already admitted by the officials and musical director at the Olympics.




  1. may i give you good advice?

    if you can say nothing good -- say nothing at all

    Chinese people don't need your poisonous criticism

    nobody forced you to look at that girl or listen to the song

  2. hi,

    i don't agree with you and i never forget the opening ceremonie of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

  3. I'm not jealous, half the time I criticize and half the time I praise.

    But its about how you criticize. Logical arguments always go down better than "hey wasn't the blah blah a load of blah blah blah."

  4. yeah, it`s cus they`re jealous of chinese people . they wouldn`t like it if chinese people critisized mexicans

  5. I'm more disturbed that they moved all the poor and down and out miles away. And that the protesters were no where to be seen. There are some serious problems going on over there and pretending they dont exist doesnt make it any less real.  

  6. Its not the criticism, but the hypocrisy....

    Certain things are getting brought up over and over and over, and blown out of proportion, and some westerners act like they are not guilty of the same.

    The girl for example,  while I feel its not fair and I feel bad for her, at the same time, it's a show.  It's show business.  Looks are everything in every country in show business, let's not pretend that in the US its any different.  The difference is that a westerner would be more subtle about it while the Chinese are more direct about talking about appearance.  It's a cultural difference.  Same thing with selecting the any country going to select girls that aren't beautiful?  Of course not, but its not culturally appropriate to directly say so.  But then people rag on China about it, acting like they aren't guilty of the same thing.

    Another thing is the pollution.  Yes, Beijing has bad air, but its not as horrific as the western media makes it out to be.  And the media keeps talking about how polluted China is....well, think about it this way.  China and the US have about the same carbon emissions per year.  But you can't just look at totals...if you look on a per capita basis, Americans are 4 times higher!  The average Westerner has a way bigger carbon footprint than a Chinese person, but of course the media isn't going to talk about that.  Also, China recently outlawed free plastic grocery bags NATIONWIDE....can you imagine many western countries doing that?  Did that get any praise in the western media?  I doubt it.

    For me, its not the mentioning of the problems themselves, but the framing and exaggeration of them that seem to indicate bias against China.

  7. trying to embarras someone with false statement is called jealousy.

    that's what some people do here

    by the way, Im sensing a little bid of jealousy in your statement

  8. because it seems like every time china does something better than, let's say, America, no one praises china, no one mentions a word about it. However, every time china makes a mistake, the whole thing gets overblown into some huge deal that the whole western media just have to keep repeating over and over again.

    While shopping in china, I had to pay extra money just to get plastic bags, thus forcing me to bring my own shopping bags every time. Does this get noticed by the western world? No.

    Most of the performers you saw during the opening ceremony are volunteers, there are volunteer booth hosted by college students every block or so on the streets of china aimed at helping westerners with any questions or problems. Does this get noticed by the western world? No.

    I dont know about you, but when someone ignores the things I'm good at and makes a big deal of only the things I'm not very good at, I don't see good intentions coming from that person. The same should do for a country

  9. But it's the same with the US. We get A LOT of criticism and blow it off as the rest of the world being jealous of us.

    That opening show was the best opening show EVER.  

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