
Why is it that frogs smell & taste so bad to most other animals?

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Why is it that frogs smell & taste so bad to most other animals?




  1. frogs taste bad cos they have toxic glands that secrete toxins so other animals will throw them away and not eat them so its protection for them from other animals

  2. Most frogs secrete a toxin from their skins to act as a deterrent for predators. Frogs and toads have little to no other abilities when it comes to self-defense, other than hopping, which really isn't much of a defense unless they are near a body of water to dive into.

    My dog used to chase frogs all the time. She would pick them up in her mouth and promptly drop them, never hurting them, but she never seemed to learn her lesson. Shortly thereafter, we would catch her eating grass, probably to get the taste out of her mouth. Without a deterrent, no doubt my dog would have chowed down on as many frogs and toads as she could catch.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Most frogs do NOT taste or smell bad.  You're probably thinking of toads.  The Poison Arrow Frogs of South America "do" taste bad because they have toxic secretions that exude from their skin.  And, there are some others, but most frogs smell and taste fine to predators, like Garter Snakes, Hawks, Egrets, Bats, large fish, other large frogs, Tarantulas, and humans.

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