
Why is it that gun owners don't care how many kids get their heads blown off,as long as gun owners get to keep

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their guns?

If you want a good laugh, read some of the answers that will soon appear below. Ha, Ha!




  1. Gun owners get a bum rap whenever these events happen.  But they can thank the NRA for their awful image.  When NRA holds rallies wherever there are shootings, that's just sick.

  2. ...Maybe you would clue us in on this...

    ...1. How many gun owners do you know?

    ...2. How many believe the way you describe?


    ...May I remind you that our Constitution says we have the right to bear arms.

    ...When will you well-meaning folks understand that gun-control laws tend most often to restrict the honest citizen, and empower the criminal to run wild, because he has nothing to fear?

    ...I do wish you well..please re-think your position.

  3. And here too you are getting your sick jollies at laughing at dead children.

    Of course you really are not seeking the truth, or you would realize that gun control attitudes have caused the deaths of more children than responsible gun ownership.  But if you at one point DID seek the truth, you know that and are trying to hide your guilt from yourself.

  4. Um, because if you took ALL the guns away from all the people, the criminals would still get them and kill people anyway.

    Taking guns from people that are responsible with them or denying people the right to own them is stupid. It solves nothing.

    There is no such thing as a perfect system. Freedom ain't always pretty.

  5. Kids are killed in cars more than anything, should we ban them too.

  6. why is it that automobile owners don't care how many people get killed in traffic accidents (the number dwarfs the number of kids killed by guns) as long as they get to keep driving their vehicles?

  7. Guns don't kill people , people kill people, most gun owners would have their guns locked up safely


    thats funny stuff.

  9. Because, MORE kids will get their heads blown off if you take guns away from the general public. Gun control doesn't work. It hasn't worked anywhere it's been attempted.

    The United States has a violence problem, not a gun problem. And the vast majority of that violence is gang related in direct relation to the U.S. war on drugs.

    Every one of these abominable shootings at schools and such occurred in a "gun free zone."

    Responsible gun owners take it very seriously when terrible gun crimes happen, because it places gun ownership in a bad light. In almost every case the gun was obtained illegally. Sometimes dozens of gun laws are broken.

    Guns cause crime like pencil erasers cause math errors. Try learning something.

    It's called self-protection. Somebody breaks into my house and threatens to kill my family. I'm supposed to call the police and wait for them to arrive? Guess what, I'll be calling the morgue.

    Most important is the Bill of Rights. The reason why the right to keep and bear arms is amendment 2 is because without it amendment 1, and the rest will no longer be enforceable.

    The first action of every dictator is to disarm the public.

  10. guns don't kill people people kill people. if you take guns away from people that do no wrong then only criminals will have guns. well i will still have a few of mine but i am not a criminal. i would suggest that the death penalty be giving to anyone that kills no exception. and it might slow down the death rate. a little but as long as there are messed up people in the world they will kill people. as long as they know they will just go to jail for a long time. i use my guns for hunting and target practice. and self defense. would never go out and just kill someone unless they where treating me bodily harm

  11. Our guns are locked in a gun safe and all of our children had safety classes growing up .  Our one son went to Iraq as an Army Ranger , our daughter is thinking of going to the police academy.

    About seven years ago I wanted cars banned from daily life , when our son died on his way to work ....more people die every year in car accidents than from Iraq , Afghanistan and guns combined

    So find that amusing if you want - maybe it will give you a good laugh at someone else expense and make you feel morally superior.

  12. Stupid question begets stupid answer.  You're misrepresenting the responsible gun-owners out there, anyone of whom could  have probably reduced the student carnage in Illinois if guns were allowed where he decided to go on a firing spree.

  13. To the person above, if you are talking about the NRA holding a meeting after the Columbine shooting, you are a little mistaken.  The NRA had a convention there, and these conventions are planned a couple years in advance.  With 40,000+ people attending, there was no to cancel it.  They did, however, restrict or eliminate some of the events at the convention out of respect for the shooting victims and basically just held the elections and some classes.  But by no means were they there as a result of the shooting, it was just an unfortunate coincidence that it happened.  However, the anti-gun crowd did make a shameless appearance to prey on the victims fears and to take advantage of the media presence.

  14. As a responsible gun owner, I do care when someone gets hurt accidentally. It's really not that funny when an accident could have been prevented by using a gun safe or a trigger lock. Everyone of my guns is locked up to where no children can get to them. Don't mistake the responsible gun owners with the people that just leave their guns laying around.

  15. Criminals blow off kids heads. As your avatar appears black, I'd say criminals are the only gun owners you've ever met.

    Still have your sense of humor?

  16. Funny, mine are in a safe.  If they're not in the safe, they're on my person.  No danger to kids from those.

  17. Why do anti-american liberals like you keep attempting to violate the constitution?

    I do care about kids, but, when people oppose the constitution and our rights, I don't mind if they get their heads blown off.

    Please be the one that knocks on my door to take my weapons.

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