
Why is it that here and on the Internet in general there are a lot of white Obama supporters, (read)?

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But the people I know and meet in person on a daily basis, I have not found ONE who supports Obama????




  1. On the internet, you can hide and pretend to be PC.  He doesn't have as much white support as appears now.  By November, he will be unmasked as the fraud,  opportunist and left-wing hack that he really is.

  2. You live in West Virginia? The answer is it depends on who you associate with and where you live. My friends all are voting for Obama. I'm white.

  3. You know it really comes down this, would you vote for Obama if he was a white candidate?  If a white candidate was running against McCain and had no track record to point to and had only 3 years experience in government would you vote for him?  I am guessing you would not.  How can people be so conflicted by political correctness that they believe that they have to elect an unqualified candidate.  If you would not vote for Obama if he was white but you are because he is black then aren't you just a racist?   Or not very bright, or easily led by social fashion.  We should have Chief Executives from all groups, but do we have to do that at any cost.  Obama is not very well qualified, he has been in office for only three years and most of the last two have been on the road running for higher office.  He is not an environmentalist and is not the man for "change" when it comes to the environment.  He voted for Bush's bizarre energy plan while McCain voted against it.  Obama opposed campaign funding reform and McCain authored the bill which pissed off GOP hacks.  Obama is not taking public funds, so he does not have to follow the guidelines, he is taking money from people at a rate that would have made Bush's headspin.  Obama's handlers want to paint McCain with the Bush brush but thats probably not going to work.  I am a Dem and think that McCain may be the right man for right now, even if he is a one term President.  Obama is like a fad, and so many people think that they have to vote for him because he is black and they don't want to be a racist. If you vote for an unqualified candidate based on his race you are the same thing as Bull Connor and George Wallace were decades ago.  How did you get to this point?  Did you answer the question to yourself, would you vote for Obama if he was white?  Think about this as well, if we had a ticket of Clinton/Obama we could probably hold the White House for 16 years.  Probably will not at all now.  HIllary is crafty, she set herself up as the candidate for the next election and that is a good for her because if elected Obama will not be able to use slogans and buzz words and will have to produce and may be a one term President at best or if he loses to McCain (very likely) then HIllary will be the I told you so candidate of 2012. Either way, be honet with yourself and be serious about casting a vote in this election.  Don't throw it away and don't vote against the interests of the country.  I am sorry, I am a Dem, I am a social justice liberal (with better credentials on that than Obama has) and I will vote for McCain for energy and for the environment.  What has happened to my party that the energy independence and envionrmental candidate is a Republican.  If you listen to McCain, as an adult, you can see that he is the most independent person to run in our lifetime.  He is hated by the radical right and left and we need someone like that.  Excuse me for this but Obama appears to be a stooge, a shill running as a gimmick candidate trying to cash in on his race and political correctness.  AND you must understand that those old time Dem politicos who have endorsed him got promises in return.  Don't be so blind to think that they did that for the good of the country, they got promises.  Is that the politics of "change" that Obama claims.  No, he is an old time politicians trying to use divide and conquer and race as a political tool.  Just like Reagan did, just like W did.  No, I want change, real change I will vote for McCain.

  4. Hanging out with the wrong crowd?

  5. What difference does it make if he has white or black supporters.  I care not about his color but I do have concern about his political policies and I think he is to inexperienced in foreign affairs to be our President, and he wants to tax us out of our socks!

  6. I'm white, I'm from the capital of the confederacy, and I'm voting for Obama. But I will also say a LOT of people who I know that would have voted for him if he was white, aren't voting. pretty sad. And saying he is going to tax the c**p out of the majority of people isn't sad it's stupid.

    Obama: High-income taxpayers would pay more in taxes, while everyone else's tax bill would be reduced. Those who benefit the most - in terms of reducing their taxes as a percentage of after-tax income - are in the lowest income groups.

    Thats from the YAHOO article below.

    Unless your Mr. ( or Miss ) money bags you don't need to worry about his tax plan. You should actually look forward to it. It's alot like Clinton's was. How many wish for those economic times again?

    And for Republicans to talk about experiance, with the worthless piece of c**p they had running things the last 8 years, is a joke. What you can vote for a white guy with no experiance, but forget a black guy all together huh?

  7. It's about the same way with me. Probably because I hang out with either some strong conservatives and/or paranoid people. Some people I'd talked to not long ago were worried it was payback time for white

  8. r u lyng?

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