
Why is it that i lose focus when i write an essay or anything?

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i tend to write without knowing exactly what my thesis is, and as a result, i write something that doesn't tie into what it is i am arguing for. so how should i deal about this issue? writing essays only a few pages long in 5-6 hours is pretty pathetic..and those papers most likely being not on topic.




  1. It's very difficult to focus on even a short essay for the length of time it SHOULD take you to write it. Unless, of course, you have exactly what you want to express in your essay mapped out. Creating a "map" is an excellent way to stay focused on the arguments for your thesis statement.

    Instead of chastising yourself for procrastinating, try incorporating it into your schedule the next time you're writing an essay. I've found that once I write one or two paragraphs, I reward myself by watching 5 minutes of a t.v. show, or by checking my favourite websites. I then force myself back to what I'm to be writing. I find that I'm more refreshed and willing to write, and often by re-reading what I've written after a short break, I'm able to edit as I go and catch any mistakes, or deviances from my thesis, more-so than I would be if I was re-reading my essay after spending 6 hours struggling with it.

  2. Hi! That happens to me a lot.  It's quite annoying.  Here's what I do.  Read and collect info for a while, even if you have all you need.  Once you've confirmed the facts.  Try a few sentences.  Take a small 5 minute break.  Then some more sentences, then another shorter break.  Keep doing this until you're done.  I hope this helps.

  3. wow....i HATE essays they SUCK thats probably why you lose focus

  4. I lose focus pretty easy too, and i do exactly what u do. I'll sit at the computer for 3-4 hours for a simple 2-3 page essay.

    i guess i lose focus becuz it's extremely boring, and i have plenty of other things much better that i could be doing, but i'm stuck doing that.

  5. it helps if you write an outline.  so you can clearly refer back to the point you are making only in that paragraph.

    it helps for you to be back and check if you are only talking about what you need to be talking about in that one paragraph.


    your theory/thesis and three points that support it

    Body 1 - the first point that supports your thesis

    a. the reason of the first point

    b. the second reason of the first point.

    c.  the third reason of the second point.

    Body 2 - the second point that supports your thesis

    a.  the reason for the second point.

    .............and so forth.......................

  6. It's probably because you aren't engaged in what you're writing about.  It happens all the time to me too. (I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now about "the female experience in america.") But, it's so boring that I just don't want to do it! If you're writing about something you enjoy, I find it much easier to do, and as a result the final essay is normally really good.    It's not unusual to lose focus. And if you're in school, it's worse because you can't choose the topic because your teacher chooses the topic for you and you are forced to write about it, without really wanting to write about it. What normally works for me is to turn everything off (i.e. this computer and my TV) and just force myself to concentrate until I finish at least a rough draft.  It normally works.  Good luck with everything!

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