
Why is it that i never get my period? Any gyno's out there????

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Im 22 years old and NOT pregnant. Im 100% sure. Ever since the age i turned 14 my menstral cycle has never been on time. There are sometimes I skip 3 months without my period. This worries me because im married and when I am ready to have children... im afriad i wont be able to get pregnant because this situation.

Although when im on birth control it ALWAYS seems to keep my menstral cycle on time. Recently about a little over a month ago I stopped taking it and just hadden had the chance to get a refill because im lazy but that is besides the point of my question.

I had told a doctor about my situation and never really gave me an answer why this happens to me so he just put me on BC to keep it regulate.

Can someone answer my question please! Am I alone with this problem??




  1. Alot of things can cause you to have delays in your period or no period.  Do you exercise alot?  It is well known that athletes generally have very few periods or none at all.

  2. I had the same problem and luckily I have an amazing gyno, but since I'm not ready to have kids (i'm 18) she did not try to find an underlying cause yet so she gave me birth control just so I won't be surprised.

    Anywho, even though I hate this myself it will always be the first thing a gynocologist will ask and I knock it down right away, but if you are overweight (or underweight) that could have something to do with it. I have even lost weight and my periods aren't the same so I always throw that out.

    Another could be PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) you can look that up for info.

    There could be so many reasons for irregular periods so you really have to find a NEW gynocologist since you are getting ready for kids. Even if they can't find a reason, or it's something that can't be fixed for whatever reason, amazing technology has made it so you can have your own biological kids so I would not worry too much.

    My own gyno reassured me that I could have kids, but I don't believe her entirely lol, but everyone is different. So you can do your own research or find a new gyno but I guarantee you won't find a solid answer here and sorry this is so long! Lol, I hope you find your answer, I know how stressful this is.

  3. maybe your secretly a guy or your parents made you have a s*x change when you were young

  4. You're definitely not the only one with this problem! I also have a very irregular menstrual cycle, and like you it seems that it's only at the same time every month. That's part of what birth control does, keeping your cycle on track. It's also why you can skip the "week off" on your birth control and "miss" your period, because the hormones in the birth control keep your body from releasing the eggs. Several things can cause an irregular period, including high stress, your body structure, change in eating habits or activity, etc. Being on birth control to regulate your period is a good idea, but I wouldn't assume that you will be unable to get pregnant because yours is irregular!

  5. it could be a hormonal imbalace or polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS

    my sister in law is 33 has PCOS and has never had a period at all unless she is one birth control.


    but there is still hope for having kids, she has a 2 yr old girl, after thinking she would never get pregnant.

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