
Why is it that if I've been crying and my Mom comes in no matter how hard I try to hide it she can always tell

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and wants to know what's up but if I'm crying and my Dad comes in I don't even have to try and hid it...sure if I'm still crying he notices and asks but if I've stopped crying I don't have to try and hide it. Why do women notice that more?




  1. I can tell even on the phone if my daughter is upset about something, and my sons too.  I listen to the tone of their voice and what they are and are not saying.  If my children did not want to talk about what was bothering them I would not force the issue but tell them I am there if they need to talk and reassure them I love them.

  2. Mom's know everything.....

  3. You can't generalise to "men and women" from *your* mom and dad. That's generalising from a tiny, tiny sample. This effect might not be true overall.

    Women have in some studies been shown to be significantly better at picking up emotional expression and micro-emotions etc but there's a lot of individual variation and overlap, so you can't assume it of any one person. Besides, crying or having just cried is a kind of big signal.

    It may also be that your father feels less comfortable or able to deal with emotions so avoids the issue, but this is more a stereotypical s*x issue than one I have personally seen studies supporting, that would be something you'd have to look up.

  4. women are basically smarter and more understanding. men keep denying this genetic superiority but I consider it true. No offense to men.

  5. It's called "Mother's Intuition". When you become a mommy, you will develop it too.

  6. Because she's your mom. And mothers always know when somethings wrong. Just like when my mothers upset, I can always tell even when she tries to  hide it because she's my mom. She knows me and I know her. And its hard for us to hide anything from one another for the simple fact that we share everything.

    Now for your father on the other hand, he knows you've been crying, he just figures you'll talk to him about it when you're ready. This is how most men handle things that bother them in their lives, so he figures this is how you'll deal with your problems. But trust me, he can tell when something is wrong. h**l, my father pesters the h**l out of me until I spill my guts. Because he will not rest until I talk about what's bothering me, same with my mother. Parents are like that. They have like this 6th sense when something is messed up in their child's life. It's just that some fathers deal with it differently then some mothers (and vice versa).  

  7. The sound of your voice, red and puffy eyes, sniffing - they are dead giveaways.

  8. What on Earth has this got to do with Gender and Women's Studies?

    Go to Dolly board.

  9. Women are better at recognizing emotion than men as a general rule.  Studies have confirmed that women are more emotionally intelligent than men.  (I didn't say every woman or every man- just generally spe


    Trust me, my wife can read me like an open book.  I don't even try to fool her anymore!

  10. It's not women.

    It's the fact that she's your mom and every mother knows when their child is in trouble.

  11. Because this is the women who would know when you were hungry, tierd hurt and what not when you were too little to say anything about it. Mothers have a special bond with their children and i'm not surprised being a part of them for 9 months, and then she's seen you grow up into an adult etc.

    My moms the same, i don't have to cry i could be cracking jokes and she would still notice i'm not my normal self and that there's something bothering me.

    That's the beauty of being a mother and having a mother to be there for you.

  12. Oh no! Are you ok Miss Kat?

    Email me girlie :)

  13. We just call it Mama powers at our house. It's women's intuition.

  14. You note yourself that your father is aware of your crying.  Women do not notice more, contrary to the belief that men are blind to all that is emotional.  We just deal with it differently, in general anyway.

    It is not so common for fathers to press their daughters on why they are upset.  Most of the reasons are cultural.

    The bigger issue is why you were crying.  Men are problem solvers, and he might be more geared towards moving on from the source of whatever caused you to cry than in dwelling on it.  If this is happening to you a lot, you may need some sort of counselling.  It is not a sign of weakness to seek help.

  15. Your mother knows everything.

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