
Why is it that if a woman decided to have an abortion the man has no say but if not he's stuck with alimony?

by Guest66559  |  earlier

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If the guy wanted the woman to have an abortion and she does not he's screwed and has to fork over alimony for pretty much until the child is an adult. But if the woman does not want the kid and the guy really does well tough lucky cuz the kid is getting flushed.

Well your probably saying "well its her body" yeah well technically 50% of the child does belong to the father he did contribute the man chowder to start the process and all.




  1. I think you mean child support. Alimony has nothing to do with care for children.

    The man has "no say" because he is not pregnant.  Of course, he probably knew that BEFORE he had s*x...right?

  2. Oh my goodness! What's with all these abortion questions? But I see your point.

  3. It is not alimony that you are seeking. It is child support if it is determined that he is the father of the child he may be ordered by the court to pay child support. He also has the right to see his child and the court may also impose visitation rights for him.

  4. This all starts with taking responsibility for your actions.

    The responsible way to have s*x is to do so only when you are committed to one partner and you plan to have children who are wanted. Other than that you  MUST use protection to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs.

    You have to remember that abortion is not just about the woman's body and you having to pay for the upkeep of the yet - to - be - born child. There is a life a stake when it comes to the unborn child. Do you think that it is OK to take the life of a child so that you can be a couple of hundred dollars a month better off? Only you can answer that one.

    The other way out of this that allows the child to live is for both of you to agree to put the child up for adoption. That way the child goes to a home where both parents DO want a child of their own and aren't griping about having to pay for it's upkeep. You won't have to pay maintenance for it then either. The child lives. The mother gets to go on and have a life free of child care, even if she is reluctant about parting with the baby. It is just about a Win-Win for all.

    If this is a real - life situation I would encourage you to give the unborn child a chance. How would you like someone to have hit you over the head when you were in the womb and about four or five months gestation. You wouldn't be here giving us a hard time now would you? Stop and think about it. Everyone deserves a chance. You got yours.

    Give the kid a go. Also it is the mother's body that does the hard yards when hatching the baby, that is why women get the final say as to whether the pregnancy is terminated or not. There is a case in Australian law where a Brisbane father tried to prevent a mother from having an abortion and failed in the High Court of Australia along the same lines as Roe v. Wade. It is now accepted that the women has the final say here too. However, maintence tends to be shared.


  5. my suggestion is to not have unprotected s*x with someone who doesnt want to have your baby.

    second if i was a father and found out my kid was ganna be aborted i would try to take legal action to prevent the woman from harming the child until it was born and hten giving custody over to me...i doubt it would work but it wold send a message right

  6. I dont beleive in abortion

    but YOU gota stop ranting while your ahead, because i dont think you realize how dumb and ignorant you sound right now...

    If a male does not want to pay alimony, he should not risk it by having unprotected s*x!

    and since its a fact that condoms are not 100 poercent effective, they should refrain from s*x until they are ready to have kids!

    its as simple as that

  7. As I've posted before.. if men start getting rights in these cases it will be a whole lot worse then things are now.

    1. Women will start asking for AND getting child support while they are pregnant maybe even charge men for the pain and suffering of child birth.

    2. Proving paternity before a child is born requires an amnio test (jabbing a needle into the womb to extract fluid, slight risk of miscarriage)

    3. who gives a rats butt about your precious "man chowder" its not all that valuable to begin with. Opposed to a woman giving 100% of all that is needed for the baby to grow.

  8. 1. The guy shouldn't have been having s*x if he didn't want a baby.  It's 100% his own fault if he becomes a dad.  Same goes for a gal who doesn't want a baby.  She shouldn't have been having s*x.  It's 100% her own fault if she gets pregnant and doesn't want a baby.  

    2. I'm against abortion, so I agree with you on this.  You can thank bleeding heart liberals for this.  It's his baby just as much as it is her baby.

    3. "But at the same time the male is forced to pay alimony even for a child he does not want."

    It's not alimony.  It's child support, and he should pay, unless he has custody, and then the mother should pay.

  9. That is why Roe Vs Wade was a bad ruling.   It removed the issue of the "crime" and made it an issue of who does what to whom...

    If a woman gets an abortion,  that is OK...

    If a drunk driver kills the fetus as the woman is going to the abortion clinic he gets charged with DUI and vehicular manslaughter...

    If the drunk misses the woman and she does not get the abortion the father gets hit for child support.  

    Who does what to whom is from the Code of Hammurabi....2000 years before the Torah and the Ten Commandments.   We may as well all become Iranians...

  10. Because its all a double standard against men.

    Why is it that women dont have to pay child support when they dont have custody of the kid and even when they do it is a very very very low amount and they dont go to jail for not paying.

    Buddy of mine, his ex is only required to pay like $100 bucks a month and she hasnt paid that in years. They wont do anything to her either.  

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