
Why is it that if you're tall...?

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People automatically think you play basketball.

That's a bit sterotypical, isn't it? I'm pretty tall for my age, and at family parties and things of that sort, if i see someone i haven't seen in awhile, they all say "Oh, Tiffany look how tall you are. I bet you're playing basketball."

I know it's a requirement for the sport, but it really gets me aggravated sometimes.

Does anyone else feel this way?




  1. People have asked me that all of my life, I know exactly how you feel. Just going into the salon to get my hair done, they start ridiculous conversations asking me "Oh, do you play basketball??" also for athletics we run track alot and my legs are alot more defined and toned than most other teenage girls, so people assume I play soccer. Even though I used to, it is just kind of annoying.

    It's just a conversation starter, but when it happens that often it just gets you irritated at the person.

  2. yeah, that's stupid- don't sweat it, just humor the people who assume you're a basketball star!

  3. I was already 5'8" tall and a girl in the 6th grade of school.

    Everyone wanted me on their basketball team and I hated to sport.

    thankfully in a few years time there where more tall kids and I was left alone.

    just go with it for awhile.

  4. Well first of all I am 6 feet tall and I get that all of the time.  Just so you know being tall is not a requirement for basketball.  I know several people who are not as tall as I am that play much better than I do.  Yes it is agraveting but finding jeans with a 38Inch length inseam is a much bigger problem in my world.

  5. thats guys tall and I cant stand basketball....I love swimming.

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