
Why is it that if you vote for clinton because she's a woman, its ok, but..?

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If you DON'T vote for her because she's a woman, You are called a sexist pig.




  1. there's never been a women president before.

  2. Because some people don't understand that things like racism and sexism is a two way street. Look at racism for example, if someone is not given a job because they are black or Asian or whatever it is considered racist but if two people come in for the job and the white person doesn't get the job because he was up against a black Asian or any minority it is socially acceptable. People need to wake up and see that in our efforts to eliminate sexism and racism it has been reversed.

  3. How about politics? Have you thought about her political views and aspirations?

    I do not care whether a future president is black, white, purple, male, female, blonde, g*y, christian, atheist or martian, as long as he or she will do the best job as president of the country.

    Do people consider that any more?

  4. I voted for Obama. I am a woman, I not a sexist. I voted for him because I wanted too.

  5. Because you explicitly say that her being a woman is why you don't vote for her.

  6. I am a woman and totally believe in equality for all but I choose NOT to vote for Hillary because she does not reflect what I value and respect.  I cannot condone voting for her simply because I am a woman and she is also a woman.  Our parts do not make us who we are either positively or negatively.

  7. Because people want you to vote for her.

  8. Because if you don't vote for someone purely because of their gender, that does make you sexist. However if you don't want to vote for someone because they are the worst candidate...

  9. If your voting consist's only of gender then you shouldn't vote, breathe, or breed.

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