
Why is it that im really quiet?

by Guest60776  |  earlier

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like i just cant help it.




  1. Do you not have anything to add to the conversation? That's when I stay quiet.

  2. maybe you just shy, like me  :)

  3. the answer lies within you.

    you may not be aware that perhaps you're quiet because you may not have that social skill to talk to people or let's say speak your mind.. you might be shy and afraid what people may think.. or perhaps your family background may be one of those factors that you have a quiet personality.

    if you don't want to be quiet then learn to speak your mind.. always hangout with your friends..and just learn to socialize.

  4. i just think that maybe you're just a chill, relaxed person.  i'm around loud-mouths who say nothing but nonsense.  i'm quiet too but that doesn't mean i'm not thinking.

  5. That's not a bad thing as long as you speak up when the time calls for it. You may just be more of a strong and observant individual. There are too many people who talk too much anyway so you just be yourself no matter what people may say or think. Also, it's proven that introverted people may be overly stimulated, meaning that they don't need much to feel happy or "like a million bucks", whereas talkative people may be understimulated and have to be around people running their mouths to feel comfortable. God made you who you are, but also learn to find balance in life.

  6. your probably afraid if you say something someone is going to say something bad about it. you shouldnt worry about it. everybody is entitled to their opinion. actually being quite isnt a bad thing.  you listen more and learn a lot more.

    i like the old proverb ; its better to remain quite and be thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt. ( that would be me not you.)sometimes i try to join a conversation but just dont know enough about the subject. so in that case , its better to just listen.

  7. Being quiet is good, it makes you feel secure, if you would like, start talking to your parents or anyone you feel secure with: everything starts at home. Talk bout anything you want, or think you should say, for instance, think of what your future self would say and work toward that, i want to be a doctor, so I'm working on toning my voice and usage of words to a gentle, kind of, state.

    good luck!

    Oh yes, and when you can manage talking well and you like it, you can start talking to people or strangers more easily: to know yourself first, and then to know somebody else, cool.

  8. You are an observer. You think about what your going to say and I can almost bet you are a very good listener. I have been called an observer, I learn more from watching and listening to people. I will speak up when I know I have something to contribute, but i sit back and watch those that tend to make fools of themselves ; )

  9. quiet does not mean not smart.  The reverse is true, quiet means taking your time to assess the situation before you open your mouth.... that is good..... but if you mean that you do not speak and join in converstations when the time is right, then maybe get a few good one liners, repeat to yourselt , and then become a little more out going, a sense of humour is wonderful to overcome anything, in life..... but quiet could mean reserved, and that you are not around the  people you have anything in common with,,,, find people of your interest groups, and watch out, you will not be able to keep quiet,,,

  10. Aww, that's sweet..Don't change.

  11. Maybe you're genetically inclined to be an assassin?  Or just shy?  Either one.

  12. your probably a really nice person with a quiet personality some people are like that

  13. you probably dont feel the need to talk. thats how i am aswell. if there is nothing to say then rambling and senseless convo just isnt neccessary...

  14. maybe because you're too afraid to face the consequences.

    it's not a bad thing actually but try to get out of your shell and learn to speak. there are so many wonderful things waiting for you.

  15. In my experience quiet people are very wise as they only speak when they feel they have a usefull contribution to what is being said.  It can also be a sign of Humility which is a sign of Wisdom. When the quiet speak I listen carefully to every word as I know they would not say anything they were unsure of and normally, being a humble person, what they say will be positive, uplifting and educational.  Most importantly they certainly do not just speak to hear themselves talk, or to brag and buildup themselves for others.  I applaud you if you choose to stay as you are ,BUT, learn when to speak, you will learn a great deal and earn the respect of those who matter. Obviously I am not all that quiet, I envy you.

  16. Well, there's one question that you have to ask yourself before you ask this question. How do you feel about being really quiet? If you like it, there should be no problem. If you question it and try to find the problem--so you can eventually fix it-- there are ways of doing so.

    Honestly, there's nothing wrong with being quiet. There is more of a problem in being mute, unless you really are. People are social animals--we want to communicate, whether it be verbally, bodily, or even by not talking. It might pain you knowing that others are more outgoing than you. I know it used to pain me.

    But there is an added value to watching others. My mother once told me, "You don't learn anything by talking." Being able to freely communicate with whoever you please is also valuable. A combination of the two would suit most people well, providing for just enough social abilities--not so much that you're called a motor mouth or annoying.

    Once I grew out of my "quiet stage", I learned that I never really had a good enough reason to be quiet in the first place. Just start by saying hi or smiling to a random person, chances are they'll say hi, smile, or the worst, just stare at you. That should get you going.

    "You're responsible for your own happiness"-Unknown

  17. Quite possibly for the same reason that others are loud - it is your personality. In our society there is an assumption that introversion is not natural, that people should be extroverted, and if you are not, then you must be shy, or anxious, or have low self-esteem, or be repressing your true desires, etc.

    I am a very introverted person. For a while, when I was a teenager, I really wished I was different. I bought in to the value system of our culture - that loud assertiveness is desirable. As I learned more and saw more of the world (particularly cultures which did not share these values), I realized that it was just a load of nonsense. I am very comfortable with who I am now, and I actually would not want to be extroverted for anything. On top of that, I have had a very exciting life and done more than most people I know, introverted or extroverted.

    So I would completely disagree with the first answer. Introversion has nothing to do with conservatism. There is no reason to assume you have low self-esteem or confidence. You might, of course, but automatically linking quietness with these is not only inaccurate, it might actually harm you psychologically (by thinking there is something wrong with you when there is not.) You might just need to "find yourself" (whatever that means), but most likely you already have. If you are like me, your "self" just happens to not match up with social assumptions about how people should be. Interestingly, it is often extroverts who go on about the need to "be yourself" who are the strongest enforcers of these social norms.

  18. The first question, as stated by other posters is: Do you want to be quiet, or do you feel that it is holding you back? I personally have a chronic case of shyness, and I don't want to be shy. However, there are many people who prefer to be reserved. Quietness has some advantages. I don't want to assume for you but I'll give you some advice to overcome being quiet if you don't like it.

    If you don't want to be, the next way is to identify the reason why you are quiet or shy. Did you experience anything that may have triggered this reaction? Are you afraid of experiencing something that may be emotionally harmful? I still struggle with these, so just know that you aren't alone. You don't have to become more outgoing immediately, in fact that's probably a bad idea, if you make a mistake and feel rejected you'll only want to be even quieter.

    It's best to slowly become more comfortable within a group of close friends that are around you at school or work, and then confidence will build. With people to support you, if you feel stressed out socially you'll have someone to go and talk to. It's very difficult at first, just work your way up and you'll feel more confident.

  19. hey that's a good trait. u've got to be happy.  focus on the positive side

  20. im the same way. i guess my past made me that way. everyone turning my words around. stabing me in the back.  this and that. and they ask me why im quiet, why i don't trust anyone, blah blah blah. i just can't help it that they made that way.

  21. That just may be your personality to be quite . As long as you feel okay with being quite. I do want to encourage however to say what you feel at any time. Please make sure that whatever your going to say is suitable for wherever you are. Sometimes talking to much can get you into trouble. I also sometimes like to be quiet and to myself.

  22. It is likely your personality.  Be yourself!

  23. You're probably afraid of what people are going to think of may have self esteem problems. It could be a number of things, really. If you do have self esteem problems, what helps is to think that people don't really care that much about what you do...and why the h**l should you care if they do anyway? It's your life, right? Not theres.

  24. i've recently read an article about someone sharing his dream celebration for his 25th birthday. He mentioned that he wanted to be alone in Boracay- one of the best vacation places here in Manila. But he also said that he wanted to be alone inspite of the very active place he desires to go on to. He wanted to be alone and at the same time reflect about his past experiences in life. In short, he wanted a quiet birthday. Im sharing this because the writer also said that he wanted to be quiet because he wanted to appreciate his life better and assess how far he has gone in his life.

    Probably, you want to be quiet because like the writer, you prefer to reflect than to be socially intact with others.

  25. It's nothing to worry about. I'm the same at times. I can speak to my mum and people I am close to all right, but anybody else, and I just... kind of don't know what to say. Or sometimes there's a crowd and I can't get a word in.

    There's a good and bad side to everything. When you are quiet, you feel secure and you often think things through a lot more - even if you don't realise you are thinking them through! On the other hand, there might sometimes be long and uncomfortable silences.

    Sometimes you have to push yourself just that further step and say what you want to say. Other times, you can just kind of, settle yourself into the silence.

    Hope this helps!

  26. You're just a very interverted, conservative person.

    ..Maybe even you have a low self-esteem or low confidence. Sometimes when certain things happens to us in life, we find ourselves and break out of our shells a bit.

    As you get older, you might change to be a little less shy and quiet..It really all matters on what experiences you have and haven't been through..

    When I was younger I was very bossy, and quite the loud mouth..then I moved the states and I was unaware and unfamiliar with the people, and different things around me and I became very shy, and to myself..until I got familiar, then I came out of my shell..And as I've gotten a bit older I've changed..

    Hope this helps!

  27. Probably because of the following reasons:

    -You might be shy

    -Lack of confidence

    -Lack of self-confidence

    -Lack of words to express your feelings

    Although, you sure can handle such situations

    You can try the following:

    -Listen to speeches, teachings etc.

    -Observe debates

    -Maintain a strong vocabulary

    -Read newspapers, magazines to  know the current issues

    -Maintain a book for hard, expressive words.

    I hope I have helped you.

  28. You just havnt found your inner voice or you subvert your emotions in order not to say or do the wrong thing at the wrong time.

  29. Don't worry - the world could do with more people like you.

  30. um you find it hard to express youself? anyways we need more quiet people like you be who you are!

  31. You cant help being quiet it is who you are, everyone has different personalities, strengths and flaws it is just part of life. There is nothing wrong with being quiet well i think that anyways good luck with being quiet i hope this helped

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