
Why is it that in Olympic swimming...?

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or an type of swimming for that matter.. That the male swimmers sometimes wear the full body suits and sometimes they wear only speedos? Why is that? Simply because they want to change it up or is it for something else? I've always wondered this..




  1. It's actually a personal preference.  Some swimmers like the speedo and some prefer to where a half suit.  At least, that is what I have been told.

  2. i don't know...i've always wondered that too. but phelps looks fantastic in speedos doesnt he?  

  3. I don't know, but personally I think they should just wear speedos the whole time. Sorry if thats gross....haha!

    GO USA!

  4. Yeah just to change it up I guess. Lots of Olympians prefer full body suits because it helps slip through the water faster. And some guys just where the speedos just simply because they're not used to having their whole body's covered

  5. the suits are very light and repel water - they also have no seams and less drag than skin, making the swimmer swim faster.  They are very expensive and can only be used a certain amount of times b4 they wear.  Speedo LZR suits

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