
Why is it that in a commercial airliner they have life jackets under the seats instead of parachutes?

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I can swim just fine but never have managed to fly, not that it would matter if the plane crashed.




  1. Because airplanes fly better than they can swim!

  2. They will NOT open the doors for you to jump out with the chutes.

    But if the plane makes a somewhat safe "ditching" on the water, it is completely survivable if you don't drown waiting for a rescue.

    Oh I'm glad you can swim.  But have you thought that NOT everybody can swim for hours waiting for a rescue?

    Good Luck...

  3. Airliner generally fly at altitudes that are above the oxygen threshold.In ordre for everyone to exit the plane the pilots would have to get the plane below 10000 feet and shut down the engines.He would then have to hold a brick in the air while all passengers jumped out.And lets not forget the average parachute pack weighs around 30 pounds.The airlines would have to inspect the parachutes during regular maintenance checks and repack the parachute after inspection.The weight and time involved would make it logistically impossible.

  4. Parachutes are impractical it require to much training to teach people to use it. and very few of aviation incidents are fatal. but if there were parachutes on board if would be likely that most  people would want to jump out which most likely raise the fatality rate. people would collide with each other or the engines , fall out of harness or just unable to deploy chute

  5. Would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane if it was 'gliding' to the ground or jump out and scatter a few dozen people over a much larger search and rescue area?  Could you imagine some 300 LBS person or an elderly lady with arthritus or somebody breathing out of an oxygen tank trying to strap on a parachute with almost no head room, no leg room, and a cabin full of scared-to-death people?  The flight attendants dont explain how to operate a parachute and besides, those have to be 'packed' JUST RIGHT or they will NOT deploy.  They also have to be checked, rechecked, and maintained like an aircraft also.  Are parachutes custom fitted for the individual's weight?  A parachute will NOT keep you afloat if the airplane needed to ditch in the water where as a life jacket will.  

    Side note:  Many aircraft doors are designed not to be opened during flight or when the engines are pressurizing the cabin.  Its just how its 'physically' designed.

  6. because if they opened the door for everyone to jump the plane would crash quicker. The seat are designed so that when they hit the water the impact won't kill you. Therefore putting on a life jacket will enable you to float long enough for the coast guard to find you. Without the proper training more people would die trying to parachute out anyway.

  7. Because youd most likely end up landing in the ocean anyway.

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