
Why is it that in high school freshmens, some people take algebra, and the others take geometry?

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and for science the same, so people take earth science while others take biology in the freshmen yr?

why does it have to be this way? isn't it "unfair" for the lower "course" students?

does anyone know why it happens to be this way? what did they do to get into a more higher lvl course even though same grade?




  1. because some ppl are naturally better at certain sciences

    i took geometry and biology... i couldnt heavy math... why wud u want that person to fail?

    thats horrible, some ppl are meant to go into mechanical trade school too, a kid should go where hes good and wants to work on that same thing

    not sit in a class with ppl he doesnt wanna be with

  2. Because in 8th grade some people probably already took Algebra.. so they get to go on to Geometry.. Some people in my 8th grade class are already in geometry! Smart people!

  3. they have better grades so they're offered higher classes like ap or honors. and it is fair most people in honors or ap classes like doing more work or want to get into better colleges and the standard students dont if you want to be in those classes you can you just have to take some summer school classes and some tests or your teachers can recommend you for it  

  4. its called some people are smarter than others.. what they did to get in a higher course is called straight a's my brother was taking  calculus by his senior year..and No i dont really think its unfair  because you put a lower course student in an advanced class and they are going to flunk it....

  5. It's only because they took Algebra in 8th grade so they just automatically move-on to te next one. I was confused in the beginning too but oh well (:

  6. because they already took that course, when they were in advanced or gifted while in 8th grade. me for example,

    im in the 9th grade, i have geometry, and biology.

    in 8th grade i had algebra 1 and earth and space.

    it also depends on what your teacher recomended you for, for example if you had algebra 1 in 8th grade, but you were horrible in it, they can place you in lgebra 1 again.

    Standard High School Math.

    9th grade-Reg:Algebra 1, Gifted-Geometry,

    10th grade-Reg:Geometry,Gif:Algebra 2.

    11th grade- Reg:Algebra 2, Gif-Pre-Calculus,

    12th grade-Reg:Pre-Calculus Gif-Calculus

  7. Some kids take Algebra 1 in 9th grade, while others take it in 8th grade. A few kids in my school took Algebra 1 in 7th grade, and I took it in 6th!

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