
Why is it that it costs more to adopt a white baby than it is to adopt a black/latino/mixed baby?

by  |  earlier

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is there a reasonable explanation for this, it doesnt sound right.

and my baby i mean newborn baby, in the type of adoption where the expectant mother is matched with the people that want to adopt her unborn baby.




  1. Supply and demand

    To encourage people to adopt minorities more, much wanted whites less

  2. Although cost is an important factor to look at what bugs me more is why "black children and native americans" are shipped off to families in other countries because there aren't enough people in the US willing to take care of them. Racism doesn't begin nor end with adoption.  It just makes it more obvious.

  3. I gave my son up for adoption and the lawyer said because there are more shortages on healthy white babies in america. There are more babies from other races so the couples that adopt them are not on a waiting list as long. It seems to be hard to come by healthy white babies, the couple that adopted my son were on a 5 year waiting list.

    Hope this helps out.  

  4. Economics 101.  Supply and demand.  There is a surplus of black/latino/mixed babies and low demand.  Most Caucasians want to adopt caucasians.  

    Unfortunately there are many preconceived notions and judgments that are placed on a caucasian woman with a minority child.  I know I took that into consideration when I adopted.  I didn't want my child, myself or my family to have to deal with all the ignorant people in the world and their attitudes.  I know of others who didn't adopt AA children due to society and the unwelcome  judgments that it would bring.

  5. Some adoption 'professionals' say the reason for the difference in cost for adopting white babies as opposed to babies of other races or ethnicities is that there are fewer white infants available and there is more demand for them. There are many agencies that solicit for white infants or let the parents or facilitators do so: online, in the newspapers, etc. They also make commercials specifically targeted towards white expectant mothers....which costs money.

    Some minority expectant mothers are able to receive social services to help them with the expenses of pregnancy and pre-natal care, but it doesn't account for the huge I would think some white women would also qualify for these programs. Agency fees MUST be the same for all children....but they can charge anything they want for the care of the mother, for any needs the mother may have during her pregnancy, etc.

    It is an ethical nightmare that few are willing to discuss....which is why I would, personally, refuse to adopt an infant through any private agency.

    <<Caucasian adoptive mommy to a beautiful African-American child through foster care.

  6. Who says it costs more?  Do you have any stats or figures to back up your claim.

    If you want a reasonable explanation the provide a reasonable question.

  7. Heres a good discussion on it:

    and another:

    I believe it has to do with racist america. More white couples are adopting tthan other races, and those couples want preferably , white babies.

    So the agencies charge more for them, because people are willnig to pay more for them.

    Its no secret foster children aren't priority because its not really about the children. Thats why foster kids, regardless of the race are much less than private / domestic adoptions.

    The demand is what is charged the most. The excess product is the least expensive.

  8. Race costs the same. But its a shorter wait for a black or hispanic baby due to availablity.  

  9. It doesn't actually cost more vis-a-vis the government. What costs more is the agency who pays the mother more to snatch a nice white baby

  10. racism. EOM

  11. What?

    It takes longer to adopt a white baby, because there are less of them, but it doesn't cost more.

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