
Why is it that kids have to respect their parents but parents don't have to respect their kids?

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I thought the moniker was "treat other people the way you want to be treated". But with this situation its "You have to treat me the way I want you to, but I get to treat you however I feel like treating you." Why?




  1. parents are soppose to treat their children with respect. its a different kind of respect. you respect your kids in the sense that you don't act irresponsibly around them.  like you don't square in front of them, have s*x with a whole bunch of different people while they are home etc.

    EDIT:  you are a grown up now your parents should respect you the way they would respect any other grown up.  your dad shouldn't say those words because they are not nice.

  2. you said with this situation what situation are you talking about I respect my parents and they respect me and I'm raising my daughter to be respectful by showing her respect.

  3. Because sweetie the bible says so!

  4. Parents should respect their children.  Guidance and discipline should be applied not only with respect but also with love.  A parent should understand the profound responsibility they have for raising their children in a nurturing environment that fosters love and cooperation.

  5. Hmm.. That's strange. My parents and I respect each other but only on a different level. I respect them as my parents and they respect me as their child. Some ways they show respect for me, especially my father is simply saying please or thank you when he wants me to do things for him, knocking on my door before coming in, respecting my things by not touching them if I'm not around, greeting me in the morning.. But then again, my culture is Japanese. Americans may treat their children differently.

  6. Your version of what respect is is going to be different than your parents'. You prolly want the same respect as they do but got to remember, IT DONT WORK THAT WAY. That is the reason why we so many rebellious teens, thinking that they can do whatever but you have to reach that point in life to get that.

    If your parents are saying that they can treat you however they want, that's prolly what's causing the confusion. They need to explain it to you that they are the parents, provider, teacher and disciplaniarian and you have to abide their rules until u're grown and able to make those important decisions on your own. Parents stating malicious statements like that is another reason why we have rebellious kids.

    They only say it that way prolly to get under ur skin as (we as children) get under theirs. Just take the lessons their trying to give u as i'm pretty sure they don't want to see u fall on ur face, you're their child for God's sake. And tell them that when they say things like that, it only confuses you and would only cause you to rebel as well as making you feel degraded.

    Open line of communication goes both ways, so say ur piece too. That's what eliminate all the confusion and build a healthy relationship.

    Good Luck and OneLove

  7. It is.  You are to treat others the way you want to be treated.  BUT, a child does not know the meaning of the word respect and must be taught respect.  You respect your elders and parents because that sets up the path to respecting authority as you get older.  This is something that parents already know and should understand.  And parents are to respect their children, but the child must earn a great deal of that respect.  I am working to raise my children to show respect and I in turn show them, my husband and my peers/elders respect.

    The Bible states:  "Honor thy father and mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you" Exodus 20:12.  This is the first commandment with a promise.  You honor and respect your parents, you live a long full life.

  8. I think a lot of kids feel like that. I know I did sometimes. I'd have to help my parents out with things, and I felt like they never felt obligated to help me out. I think sometimes parents feel that they brought you into the world, raised you, fed you, clothed you--and so you should have the up-most respect for them, and sometimes I think their minds get clouded with that thought, that they can act whatever way they want to you, because of what they have provided over the years. And that isn't right; I hope I won't be like that with my daughter, and I wouldn't want her to feel bad about herself because of how I treat her. As for the being made fun of in school, some people are always going to be ignorant. No matter how obvious it is to you that they're doing wrong, they can't see that. Making fun of someone, especially for a physical disability, is considered very immature. The same goes for race-related comments and sexual orientation. I guess the bottom line is that come people never learn to accept others, but that's their loss, because they would have a lot more friends.  

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