
Why is it that life always sucks?

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  1. When life gives you lemons make lemon aid. It's all in what you make of a situation.

  2. its nothat it sucks. its jus that some of us have more obsticules than others to over come and some of us have a hard time figuring out which step is the right one to start out with

  3. I dont know but I hate it!!!!!!!! I think some people just get the good life and some people get the c**p life where everything goes wrong!!!!

  4. Honestly I'm in the position to say life does suck.

    You just have to choose how to react with what you were given.

    I'm a 16 year old, I had a pedophile grandfather, my own father was abusive, and many other things...I ended up running away and life turned around for me.

    Be optimistic! See that the glass is half full and not half empty.

    I choose to not be depressed and crazy. I'm happy with what I have now.

    If you need to talk to someone or something like that, email me.

    I'm a wonderful listener and according to my friends I give good advice.

  5. eh it does at times.  I can't stand it at the moment.  It just sucks no other details needed

  6. Perspective.

  7. Because you look on life so bad. if you were to look at all the positive things, like the fact that you can afford a computer and internet, and a house to use it in rather then starving naked on teh side of the road in -30 degree weather, then you wouldnt think life sucked so bad

  8. No one knows why life sucks, so they invented beer.

    In the immortal words of  Homer J. Simpson:  "Here's to alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems."

    When the nice people behind the cash register say "Have a nice day", i always reply, "Thanks, but that's not going to happen."

  9. Some people, not all, are perennial victims.    They always have problems, most of which are self-induced.

    Some people have very bad luck, and things never go well for them.

    Some people change their lives, take control and make their lives happier and more productive.

    Although circumstances sometimes won't allow it, most people can change their lives by working at it, trying to improve and create different circumcstances and break a cycle of despair and depression, sometimes we need help in doing this.

    I suffered from depression for years, for various reasons, and sought help and have changed my life.      I get a sense of satisfaction just trying to help others on Yahoo Answers, for example.

    You can make your life better.     You have to work at it, and if the situation merits it, get professional help.    I was too proud for years, and couldn't admit that I had a problem.     Don't waste any more time, start the change and begin improving your life today.

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