
Why is it that little kids find pain so humourous?

by  |  earlier

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Whether it be physical or emotional pain, little kids seem to love seeing it!

For example, if I stub my toe or something and my little sister sees it, she laughs!

Or if I am doing something I shouldn't be and she tattles on me and I get yelled at, she laughs!

What is it about pain that little kids like so much??? I mean, I understand if it's REVENGE, but even if I haven't done anything to her, she STILL laughs!




  1. lol, I dont know.  My 2 year old daughter does the same thing.  We had lunch with my sister the other day, and when we left, my daughter said she wanted to go with her Auntie (my sister).  But my sister had things to do and couldnt take her, so my daughter started screaming and throwing a fit.  So I took her to put her in my car and as I sat her in her seat, I whacked my head on the door.  I yelled ow! and my daughter quit screaming and started cracking up.

  2. Partly I think they laugh because you have such a funny expression on your face....And also it's easy to laugh because it wasn't her toe!

  3. well kids just like the way we express ourselves when we get hurt. or maybe you just have an evil sister :P

  4. usually when people are in pain they make a face or a funny sound.  that usually gets any little kid going, just like a loud f**t would.

       they may not have experienced that kind of pain so they dont know its not something to laugh at

  5. haha i do that when a teacher trips

    its hilarious & idk why :D

  6. My nephews both laugh at me(their uncle) my older sister(their aunt), their dad(our older bro), and other folks when we fall, or get hurt in some lil way.  The only person who doesn't get laughed at, at all, and is off limits for anyone else to laugh at if she trips or something according to them is my mom(their grandma or as they say nanny)...  Once they get older they won't laugh as much, and since they are kids it's no big deal as long as it's not something real serious that a kid laughs at then it's fine, kids are kids.  

    I laugh at them when they stub their toe(or something like that), or even when they get in a lil trouble for being lil brats and they usually end up saying shut up to me, but hey it's karma  They laughed at me, then when some lil thing happens and I give a lil laugh or say haha they say hush or something..  ..  Then of course we jump each other, scream and in most cases they will both turn on

    It's funny if they laugh in my opinion as long as they know not to laugh at serious pain, and yea they know when it is serious they shouldn't laugh, so it's cool..  I sometimes smile, laugh with them or jump them, so it's all love in the

  7. That is something I would like to know too.  My kids get a kick out of me getting hurt, but are also quick to ask if I'm o.k..  Not sure why they laugh.  Maybe it's because they never here us make those stupid sounds until we get hurt.  Just a theory.

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