
Why is it that many filipinos migrate to australia?

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what are the opportunities in australia that makes filipinos go there?




  1. Australia is a great country with many opportunities that may not be available in other places.  There is a high quality of living and many job opportunities.

    The Philippines is relatively close to Australia - that's probably why many move there.  Same reason why many Mexicans move to the US - proximity.

  2. .....because Australia needs emigrants to do the dirty work for them.

  3. Australia's economy has been booming for many years, and it has a great quality of life, one of the best in the world. The economy has slowed slightly over the last two months due to petrol prices. Australia is also physically closer to the Phillipines than other western countries.

  4. Jason_Mo.

    You are wrong. Filipinos do not go to Australia to do the dirty work. Australia is interested in recruitment of highly skilled and professional workers in categories where it has a shortage. Immigration is based on a points system. Potential immigrants have to meet a target number of points, which are related to education and training, age, English language ability etc.

    You could have asked why British emigrate to Australia. after all, there have been more of those go, than all the other races put together,and they are still going.

    The Philippines standard of education is high. The percentage of graduates is higher than Australia and many other countries.Secondary schools and universities teach in English. Therefore the Philippines has a large skilled labour force.

    Unfortunately, the Philippines has little in the way of natural resources, a corrupt political system, and a big imbalance of wealth, meaning that a very small percentage of the population is extremely weathy, but the bulk are poor.Unemloyment is high, and underemployment is around 40% of the population, so, for instance, there are registered nurses working as nannies, teachers working as maids, highly skilled construction engineers jobless, accountants working as cashiers in stores, ..the list goes on. Wages are abismally low.

    Therefore, a large number of Filipinos seek work in other countries every year.Some may migrate, but many will just go for a few years to get the money to look after their family back home, and to pay for education of younger family members.

    Even those who permanently migrate may be financially supporting relatives in the Philippines all their lives. Not because their relatives are lazy layabouts. Filipinos are well-known for being hard workers, and to have a thirst for education, which they see as leading to the best way to better themselves.So money can be usedfor education of younger relatives, so they too have thechance of a better life.

    However,the question is about why Flipinos migrate to Australia. The fact that Australia is nearer than some other countries is irrelevant. The fares to Australia are little different to those to Europe and to Noth America, and a lot more than to Japan, Singapore, Hongkong, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. The reason is simple.There are skilled jobs available, and many Filipinos have the skills to do them. In fact Australia would like to have more of them apply for certain jobs, but so would many other countries, and Australia is not the first choice for most Filipinos.

    There are Filipinos living and working in many countries around the world. You can find them in every European country.

    The USA is their number one choice, but its immigration procedure is tedious for most. The UK and Canada

    are high on the list too. Some will go to Australia because the procedure is faster.The US has over 100,000 Filipino nurses working in its hospitals. The UK has 50,000 plus other medical staff from surgeons to radiographers. Both countries pay them better than Australia, and offer early citizenship.Filipinos can be found in all sorts of UK employment. I met one who is the site engineer on a big industrial construction complex, and another who is an architect working in a city planning department. Yet another, a lady, is the head of math department in a state school, and earning around US$88,000 for a 35 hour week and only 191 teaching days a year! I know several that work in IT, and another who is a graphics designer with a major company.

    So don't imply that Filipinos migrating to Australia are in any way comparable to Mexicans sneaking across the Rio Grande into the USA. They are not. The vast majority of them are educated, skilled, and highly desirable as immigrants by many countries. It is not their fault that they they were born in a poor country.

    I should have mentioned that many filipinos, men as well as ladies, have emigrated as spouses of foreign citizens, because from what I have heard, they are good at that too!

  5. I believe you've answered your own question.  For the opportunity their own country does not provide.

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