
Why is it that martial artists always get heckled by people who find out that they're martial artists?

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I try my best to keep it a secret that I take karate classes, but before long, someone gets wind of it. This becomes problematic when they start insisting that I 'show them some moves' and about how their sure that they're 'not going to mess with me'. I have nothing against fictional karate movies, but I have to wonder why there are so many people who have such misconceptions about the martial arts and martial artists out there.




  1. i got alot of c**p about my judo training untill i showed all those hecklers my first medal. and they stoped even being rude to me at all after my second medal. it's not they they don't belive your style is lame or dumb, it's it that they don't think YOU can do all the stuff they see on tv (either jackie chan or ufc).

    but if you do teach them something to get them to shut up, then so soemthing that would surprise them(like i used a sweep) it make them embaressed and everybody luagh at them and they pointed there attractiong of humor at you to them! but make shure you never use the same move, throw, sweep, ect.  because they will be fully expecting it.

    and i bet you get this question alot "KARATE CHOP!" people say "JUDO CHOP" to me alot so i do a "judo" chop, i hit them in a nerve in there neck(right next the ear) which cuts of the ability to move there legs for like 18 seconds. and after i do that the surrounding people make a mental note of not do ever bother you with that term agian. if people want to keep martial arts a "mystery" then use it to your advantage and make them afraid of what your power ranger like abilitys you have.

    p.s. what style of karate are you enrolled in? if it is one that teaches a bit a jujitsu, then defnitly use those arm bars and wristlocks for your "fear inspring abilitys"

    above all make shure the people you mess with are never relly hurt, just shocked.

  2. the same thing happens to me!

    i hate when they ask me to 'teach them something cool'

    like what, you want me to teach you a roundhouse kick right here?

    or whenever there is anyone even joking about fighting they're like 'watch  out! she has a black belt"

    it bothers me lol

    though, you have to admit, it is kindof flattering

    just not at that moment

  3. people try to pull the same stuff with me i just tell them that without one of my elders permission i can show them nothing im not using on shuts them up real quick but most of the time people just look at me like i am scary...(really now im 5'8 135)...not that scary lol..i have found that peole are afraid of that which they dont understand and the first reaction to that is to make fun of it....just make them believe it doesnt phase you and they will stop...which if your heavy into martial arts it shouldnt bug you at all....i just dont like the nagging "teach me" little white lie for their safety is not a bad

  4. I have no objections to these "misconceptions"...

    If a person's ignorance prevents them from becoming a malignant opponent, who am I to oppose?

  5. Martial arts in popular culture is all about the spectacle.  There is no Bruce Lee anymore, to impress someone today you need wires and special effects.  You need loud music and trash talking like the MMA.  Of course, no one wants to see a movie or TV show about someone practicing a side kick 1000 times.  That would be boring.

    When someone asks to be taught something, I tell them to come on down to the dojo because I'm not allowed to teach people without my sensei's permission.  

    I also rarely wear any karate shirts outside of the dojo or karate events.  I just don't want the attention because you know there is some idiot out there who wants to prove how tough he his by taking out the "karate kid."

  6. How is that being heckled? And what does it have to do with karate movies?

    Perhaps they are envious in your choice of hobbies?

    I've never found myself "heckled" with the exception of a few drunks that decide to pick a fight because of a shirt I might be wearing.......

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