
Why is it that men assume that stay at home mom's never do anything?

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And I am not a stay at home mom by the way. I was years ago, but have worked since. I just seen a question on here and I am amazed at how little they think women do that stay at home. Most days I wished I was at work getting paid for what I did. Anyways just a ?




  1. i think i have same feeling toward to stay home mom also.

    i understand they have a lot of works, but at the same time they do not have to face the outside pressure, such as boss, coworkers, they seem so shelter.  

    HEY! but doesnt mean i dont wanna be one :)

    if i am a stay home mom/wife, i can careless what other people say about me.

    its a personal choice.

  2. because they are not at home to see what you do. Ask any stay at home dad and they will tell you it is not easy either!!!

  3. they are plain stupid

  4. My husband used to feel that way, until he did it for 2 weeks while I was working..LOL. I don't know why men think that. I am a stay at home mom, the working world is easier, at least you get a day  

  5. Because let's be honest, half the time they don't. I've been in a career and an at-home mom and staying home was easier and less stressful if you are organized.

  6. I don't think this is the case at all.

    Most of the men I know would really love if their wives stayed at home and took care of the children. Worrying about them in daycare and babysitters clouds their minds everyday.

    I really think the TRUE culprits here are working women. They're always the ones who truly mock home-makers. I think most guys respect that a woman would make her kids the number 1 priorty

  7. They have never stayed home with them.. they don't see the chaos that goes on during the day... they may have only a few hours a day to deal with it...  

  8. This happens for the same reason that women call "ALL" men pigs or dogs or whatever. One bad apple can ruin it for the bunch, yah know? It sucks, but thats life...

  9. Men would complain if they had to do everything we do. I'm a stay at home wife as well. My husband knows better than to say I do nothing. He said something like that to me about a year ago and I let everything go. The laundry, dishes, cleaning, picking up and he realized what I slob he was and hasn't said anything since

  10. I agree with you.

    Alot of peopel fail to see that it is a lot of work and very self sacrificing. It is a 24-7 job.

  11. men have no sense of all the responsibility caring for young ones really entail.

  12. i was unemployed for six month by the end of 6 months ive never been so tıred.)))) couldt wait to get back to take work anytime thanks:))))

  13. i agree with you and being a stay at home no offense is a toughter job than working full time . well compared to my old job it is .  it is a 24-7 job . you dont ever get a break  

  14. well show him what you do every day,no,show him what you dont do everyday.  let all the house work go,do not cook or clean,he will realize what the house looked like and what you did before...

  15. It's not the amount of actual work, It's usually a stress issue. The person going out to work is under a lot of stresses that the person working at home isn't. They come home feeling beat up and expect sympathy. Also, let's face it, when you're a homemaker you have friends you visit with and you spend time on the phone or internet in between. The person at work frequently hasn't a moment's peace in-between punching in and punching out.

  16. When you are a stay at home mom (or even working in the career field) unfortunately your job doesn't end after an 8 hour shift,it's time to go home and make dinner,then clean up after supper,do laundry,get the kids in the tub,pack lunches for the next day,get yourself a shower,and get ready to do it all again the next day.Men don't realize this because we take care of them too!! They are done after an 8-12 hour shift,but not mom!!

  17. I think that every man should have to stay at home with their children and do everything that a woman does and then this question would not be an issue. It is because men have not had to do this, that they do not understand and if they did, as I said this question would not be an issue.  

  18. Perhaps it is because they don't stay home with the child as much, and don't realize that caring for a child and doing things around the house actually is "work" and it requires time and energy just like any job would. I am a stay-at-home mom who is lucky enough to have an appreciative husband, but I know what you mean. Sometimes men don't understand things simply because they don't experience them. I'm sure that stay-at-home dads have a greater appreciation for the things housewives do.  

  19. I think we should all go on strike.

    Have our husbands become stay at home dads, while we go to work for 8 little hours a day, then come home, throw our dirty clothes on the floor, take a shower, sit in our recliners in front of the tv and say what's for dinner and when will it be ready.

    I don't think it would take long for them to realize they can't do the job right and still have time to watch tv all day. After 3 months of this, they would be begging us to trade places with them. Actually I don't think they could last more then a week.

    It's always easy to say your job is harder, when you have never had to do your spouse's job.

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