
Why is it that men give other men grief about riding a Harley Nightster or Sportsters?

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Why is it that men give other men grief about riding Harley Sportsters? In your opinion isn't it all about getting out there and riding the open road, no matter what you're riding. Look at the Harley Nightster for instance, a good looking bobber that's stripped down with decent power. I guess I'm just looking for opinions more then anything.




  1. I like the Nightster myself. l'd like to have one, but at 6'3" and 325, it's a little cramped for me.

  2. Nine bad teeth must have got them all punched in by a biker gang ! nothing wrong with the sportster , i also would get the nightster , but when i went to get a sportster the salesman told me id look like a pig on a stick , I'm in love with the street glide just cause its a bagger with an awesome stereo and low wind shield !

  3. jrrysim's got it. guys just like to razz each other, its always been that way.

    sporty's have been called lady's bikes since the 60's even though they've always been faster & more oil tight than the big twins.

    it just go's with the territory.

    40 years ago anyone who had rear shocks on their bike had to get used to taking a lot of static from  the hard tail riders.

    take it with a smile & give it right back.

    its a guy thing.

  4. In a word...ignorance. There is nothing wrong with a Sportster. I love the Nightster myself. z1000 said it all.

    Ninebadthings...why don't you go cuddle up with your blankie and take a nap.

  5. All the Harley models are popular with women so I guess the owners of larger HDs are trying to assert their machismo.

  6. well an 883 is a girls bike and by the way a bob job is when ya take the front fender flip it around and put it on the rear. these were done in the fifties before they started extending the front end and making choppers.

  7. The Yanks might scoff at Sportsters, but over here in Great Britain they're popular because they suit our roads perfectly; we have those curvy things called bends over here, so we can leave Big Twins standing!

    Sportsters are far more manoeverable, quicker off the mark (something a Big Twin rider never will be either physically or mentally) and have been blowing off the big 'uns since 1957.

    Basically the Big Twin pilots are jealous.

  8. Guys just like to give other guys grief. It's fun. The nightster is not a "bobber" It is a stock factory production motorcycle. In fact, there is no such thing as a "bobber". In the 50's guys used to chop the rear fenders on Harleys and throw away the front one. These bikes were called "bob-jobs" For some reason there are people around these days that insist on caling choppers without extended front ends "bobbers" For some reason this irks me. But, i guess it just shows that they haven't been around the block.

  9. Decent power?  A 250 ninja can eat it for breakfast and get 80 mpg at the same time.  Same horsepower as the same size V-twin Harley was making in 1930.  To find a worse motorcycle than a Harley you would have to buy a disposable one from China.

  10. jirryssmmm......whatever your name is, please, "it irks me"??    let me anwser the question in my own opinion , then i'll get back to you . guys like to give guys grief and will continue to do so . as for the sportster question. the sportster , since it;s inception has been harleys attempt at exactly what the name implies "sporty"   . a light compact, powerful (compared to the larger versions) and nimble bike. they are great bikes , but until a few years ago , they were extremely cramped (like the big guy in your other answer said) and therefore  and therefore they were best suited to the womans body frame, hence the "girly bike" reference that is still around today. the loss of course , is to anyone who has not ridden one of the newer sporty's , because they are much more comfy and better laid out. i have 4 harleys  (one  is a new sporty)  and i bought them because they are what i like to ride. most of the grief giving is light hearted , just something else to pick on.  i have " been around for many many yrs and have ridden many many many miles and the one thing i have noticed about riders, (harley riders in particular) is that if you don't own a harley , you should and  that if you do own a harley, it is the probably the wrong model  according to someone in the group. for instance, if you have a standard softail, you should have a springer, if you have a street glide , you should have a road king , or a fat boy , or a road glide or, an evo, pan, shovel , twin cam, or, or,blah blah blah................. you get the point. i wouldn't worry about it, like you said , riding is riding , and once yer movin ya can't hear em talkin anyway!      AS for you  mr j whatever your name is.................... don't know what part of the country you come from, but lighten up a little don't be such a k**b.........maybe take a ride.........relax.......we've been callin chopped rear bikes bobbers for many years . (and i do mean many)   heard em called bob jobs before, yes, among other things, but times are a changin and "bobber" has been around since the 60's when my brother and i were buildin em.  does it really matter? just get on it and ride so we can't hear ya!  (come to think of it, i have had a few "bob jobs" in my time......................but that's another story)........................ lol.    take care! and keep the rubber side down!!  ride safe!  and please remember, this is just my opinion. later!


    You get grief cause both bikes are for chicks.

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