
Why is it that more people today believe in evolution other than creation'?

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could the people that believe in evolution please give me 1 example of "scientific poof" or at least answer this question: way it is that you believe in evolution vs. creation by god




  1. I'm a Christian but one who believes in evolution.  We know that we are descendants of the cro-magna man (don't know how that's spelled and neither does spell check).  We weren't exactly handsome then nor were our brains fully developed.  As far as Adam and Eve is concerned I don't know why they couldn't have been ape-like.  We were made in God's image but I believe that that image is the image of His soul.  I have my church's catechism but am too lazy to look it up.

  2. 1.  The logic in the writings of Darwin was so persuasive that it is impossible to ignore without just ignoring the evidence.

    2.  The fossil record clearly demonstrates in an unambiguous way that animals have been changing over time.  It clearly shows speciation and evolution.  The dating of rocks is verified by several different methods.  We would have to throw out the book on nuclear physics to deny the ages.

    3.  There are several types of evidence involving genetics.  

    a. Many types of genetic markers can be used to find evolutionary relationships. The more closely related the animals are, the more genetic markers they share.

    b. Mitochondrial DNA studies have been done on millions of animals and probably many tens of thousands of different species.  There is a section of DNA on the mitochondria that doesn't code for proteins and is free to randomly accumulate mutations.  It is used as a sort of clock to show evolutionary relationships.  When they sequence a few hundred base-pairs as is common, the odds of one of those sequences occurring randomly is one over a number with hundreds of zeros.  The sequences show humans are 91% similar to chimps.  We are less closely related to gorillas.  They are not just randomly different.  They are different in a way that suggests a common ancestor of humans and chimps.  Chimps and humans share many of the differences between themselves and gorillas but have had enough time to accumulate many separate differences.  That pattern is consistent with all other animals and is essentially absolute mathematical proof of evolution with the odds of being wrong so low that numbers don't even exist in common usage to describe odds that slim.

    C.  Many genes are shared by closely related animals.  Some genes are maintained by virtually all animals but the number of genes that are similar or the same increases as they are more closely related.  

    D.  Humans have a different number of chromosomes than the other great apes but the evidence is very compelling that one of our chromosomes is the result of fusion of two ape chromosomes.  That is obviously very convincing proof by itself.

  3. ....flip the question around and you still hit a brick wall.

    Science backs up what the Bible tells us, yet most people that believe in the Bible take it too literally, therefore when the evidence comes into play, it's all wrong.

    Saying that human beings evolved from monkeys is almost like saying we're direct descendents of Jesus Christ himself, or we'll use Adam and Eve for those that feel that Jesus Christ was actually a human being.

    You just can't prove it one way or the other, all you can do is work around the problem and put the peices together the best way that you can. Its not an exact science but it's all we've got to work with. You can't base your whole life on a book with holes in it, granted some of it may be true but how much of it isn't?

  4. Haven't you already made up your mind?

    Richard Lenski of Michigan State University has been conducting a multi-year on going experiment with E coli. To date the experiment has  developed a new species that uses citrate which the original population did not and can not.

    "But sometime around the 31,500th generation, something dramatic happened in just one of the populations – the bacteria suddenly acquired the ability to metabolise citrate, a second nutrient in their culture medium that E. coli normally cannot use.

    Indeed, the inability to use citrate is one of the traits by which bacteriologists distinguish E. coli from other species. The citrate-using mutants increased in population size and diversity.

    In the meantime, the experiment stands as proof that evolution does not always lead to the best possible outcome. Instead, a chance event can sometimes open evolutionary doors for one population that remain forever closed to other populations with different histories.

    Lenski's experiment is also yet another poke in the eye for anti-evolutionists, notes Jerry Coyne, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Chicago. "The thing I like most is it says you can get these complex traits evolving by a combination of unlikely events," he says. "That's just what creationists say can't happen."

    Evolution demonstrated.

    Interestedly there was a program on tonight about the settlement of Australia. Taking population growth and such into account people explored how many people it would take to establish a successful population. With 1 couple. and Adam and Eve were mentioned, there was no reasonable chance. With three couples, they would end in the second generation, about 70 years. Six couple kept a population for 170 years and it took 15 couples before the odds of survival became reasonable. Which must raise a question about Adam and Eve.

    A better question would be which creation theory are you using? Remember they are all only theories.

    "Young Earth" Created by supernatural means 6-10,000 years ago

    "Old Earth" Earth is millions, not thousands of years old. This theory has several versions:

        "Gap" Earth is old but had fallen into decay. Life was begun on the old planet. This does address fossil evidence.

        "Progressive" God allows certain things natural selection and mutations to occur but will directly intervene as required.

        "Framework Interpretation" holds the Genesis account isn't literal but more represents the outline of how life came to be.

        "Day Age" Here it's held that "Day" can be thousands of millions of years. The world was crated in 6 "days" but it was over a very long time. Oddly this conflicts with the language of the bible as the word "day" in the earliest language means only a normal 24 hour day.

    "Theistic" AKA  "evolutionary creationism", creation is compatible with  scientific theory (evolution) as it is a tool used by God,

    " Literal" God created everything in 6 days right before 23 October  4004 BC. Everything in Genesis is correct and true.

    Finally I ran into this interesting comment:

    "Anyone worried about atheism should be more concerned about creationism...By saying that only one religious interpretation is correct and universal, creationism typically is a rejection of every other religious interpretation. For example, young-earth creationists reject the religious interpretation that the universe is more than 10,000 years old (Sarfati 2004), and design theorists reject the idea that God has guided evolution (Dembski 1996). For people whose beliefs about God differ from those of a creationist, that creationism might just as well be atheistic."

  5. I believe God created living things and he created the process of evolution and all other scientific processes.

  6. Why? Evidence. Evidence which is millions of years older than the creation myth you refer to says it could possibly be.  

  7. ...Why is it that more people today believe in evolution other than creation'?

    Hopefully because our brains are slowly evolving into more intelligent creatures.

    ...could the people that believe in evolution please give me 1 example of "scientific poof"

    Of what? Evolution?

    OK. Here is a little quote that I found rather helpful: "simple animals and plants existed on earth long before more complex ones (invertebrate animals, for example, were around for a very long time before there were any vertebrates). Here again, the evidence from fossils is overwhelming."

    ...way it is that you believe in evolution vs. creation by god

    Because I try to make use of my brain.

  8. I don't think that's entirely true.  The majority of people (in the U.S. anyway) still believe in creation.  Those that don't (including myself) have hard time believing that any supreme being created the human race and everything around us, from sheer will alone.  The Old Testament stories are vague at best, and I personally view them as nothing more than myths and folktales that were created by ancient man in an attempt to explain our existence. I'm not saying that the events in The Bible didn't actually happen, I just think that they were way beyond the comprehension of ancient, primitive people and they simply reported these events as best as they could.  However, I don't completely buy into Evolution either. I think that there is way more to the story than either The Bible or Science can explain and I have feeling that there is a very large piece missing from the puzzle.  I'm sure many others feel the same way.

  9. You don't understand the creation story and you don't understand nature, what in the world do you understand? You can't know yourself without knowing nature and you can't begin to understand ancient concepts of God without knowing symbols. The number 6 represents time, not the amount of time it took for creation but time, in general. In time, all suffer, so it also represents suffering. The 31 lines of the creation story shows expansion and concentration of time. It happens in a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, millions of years, billions of years. You are drawn into a small amount and out into a large amount of time, in and out, like the way one breathes or like the pains of birth. It is too complex for someone to say, Oh, it happens in 6 days, what an insult.  

  10. Because it's much more reasonable and the evidence for it is overwhelming. If you want to know about the evidence, here's a website that can help:

    In the Understanding evolution section is a link to a brief discussion of the various kinds of evidence (fossil evidence, similarity in DNA among all living things, and morphological similarities among related species are among them).

    "believe in" is an odd expression to use in this context. Do you "believe in" the existence of the building you're sitting in? Well, you know it exists. This isn't the same kind of thing as belief in, say, the Tooth Fairy, is it?

    Why do people accept the truth of evolution? Evidence. On the othr hand, there is NO evidence whatsoever in the existence of any god.

  11. Is, there's tons of evidence backing up evolution and absolutely no evidence suggesting a divine creation. Plus, the fact that so many creationists can't spell simple words or use proper grammar and sentence structure makes me less inclined to believe anything they say has value.

  12. one example of the evidence for evolution is that a lab experiment, testing the ability for bacteria to evolve, demonstrated the evolution of said bacteria to digest citrate, in the experiment they took samples of the bacteria every generation, froze them, and looked at their genetics after the fact to see how exactly that evolution occurred.

  13. Are you sure you won't persecute me if I give my opinion?

  14. I believe that the "theory of evolution" is a scientific way of explaining God's creation. I think the reason why more people think evolution is more correct then what God did is because our society is more and more rejecting God as a whole. The less that believe the more that will be fooled.  

  15. Evolution Proof: carbon dating, fossils, etc etc etc

    God Proof: . . .no such evidence. Only faith.

    I used to be very religious, then dropped it all cus it doesn't add up. To believe everything out of ONE BOOK, and to not believe what is right in front of you is called ignorance.  The bible and all religions were made up thousands of years ago when we had no explanation for things like the sun, lighting, etc.  Ask yourself if you would've believed in god if no one ever told you about until today.  

  16. The people writing "stories" in the bible certainly had nowhere near the information and education that we have today.  It was certainly not written to be a history book so why treat it like one? I don't understand how people reject progress by clinging on to writings that were meant to help people make sense of a world they could not fully understand and teach lessons to make society a better place to live.  It is common for people to believe in fiction to help eliminate the fear of the unknown.  If you don't know what's across the ocean, "the world is flat", if you are afraid of dying, "you will go to heaven" if you don't know where people came from, "god snapped his fingers and created Adam and Eve". Religion was created by man, not the other way around.  

  17. I'm not sure your question is stated clearly. If you mean Christian/Jewish creation, then your question is accurately stated in the Western World.

    But if you mean creation to mean a generic supernatural beginning, then you are ignoring the millions of Muslims (think India, middle east), Hindus, and Africans that don't believe in evolution.

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