
Why is it that most men smell and the women their with dont care?

by  |  earlier

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alot of men i know have bad hygienes...i mean you can smell them a mile away..yet they have girlfriends and they dont care..why




  1. Maybe the men with bad hygiene have female counterparts?  

  2. I don't associate myself with any men or women for that matter with that poor of hygiene..

    I don't know why anyone would.

  3. maybe their mama's are not around to give them a bath or too lazy to do it themselves.

  4. I don't know where your from, but just about every male friend of mine has good hygiene, whereas a couple of my female friends should try to stick to a daily shower regimen.

  5. because a lot of women like one thing about men, and it's not exactly their odor.

  6. Either their hoping to fix that themselves, or they love everything about the guy OTHER than their smell, or their in a relationship where they're too afraid to state any complaint/opinion w/o the possibility of the guy and them breaking up. If I was really into a guy, and he smelled bad... (Why I'd be into a guy like that idk XD) I'd stay with him because I'd want to do anything to please him, hopefully he loved me.. I guess for most women it's just a sacrifice y'know? Perfect imperfections. Or, h**l, some women even get turned on by that ****... they like a good manly smell to accompany their guy. I know, crazy, right? But that's what my friend says...

  7. We perspire more quickly than you ladies, especially in heat.

    Dont blame us, we shower every day and use deodorant, we still get screwed :P

  8. I don't know where you're finding these men, but I've never been attracted to men with poor hygiene.

  9. Where are you from that most men smell bad and have poor hygiene ?

  10. When you're in love...your lover's pheromones attract/ turn you on.

  11. I always wondered that myself!! GOOD QUESTION!

    How do we know the women don't smell themselves??

  12. i no... women that hang out with stinky pigs like that must have real low self esteem....  its like they think they dont deserve better....   but i noticed lots of the women with them r fat an ugly themselfs....  so maybe they realy cant find anything better....

  13. Some people, when they smell like anything at all, smell okay to me.  I don't think it's just hygiene; when my ex's diabetes took a turn for the worse, he started smelling bad to me even when he was fresh out of the shower.   I think people are less likely to find each other's body odor offensive (or notice it at all) if they eat a similar diet and have similar physiology. You stop noticing the smells that your own body makes just like you stop smelling anything after a while.  So if you meet someone with similar diet and physiology, they won't smell bad to you, even if they smell bad to someone else.

    Like, I've heard that during the Vietnam war, American soldiers had to be put on a diet with a lot of rice and fish, because to the Vietnamese, a person eating a typical American diet smelled like rotten meat, and the Vietnamese could actually detect them by smell because of their different diet.  But after a couple weeks of rice and fish, the Americans were no longer "stinky."

  14. Uhm, I don't know what men you've been hanging around, but all the ones I know (including my boyfriend) smell good. Maybe it has something to do with the jobs they have. If he works a very physically demanding job, he may have body oder due to sweating heavy. But I'm sure he doesn't always smell that way if he has a woman on his arm. At least I would hope not.  

  15. women can be dirty too.

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