
Why is it that most men wont ask for directions when lost?

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  1. Men never get lost so there is no need to ask for directions!

  2. pride.

  3. Pride?

  4. pride,

  5. I ask for directions if i`m lost. lol

  6. because they kinda think its not macho to do this there inbred bread-winners tough brave, practical asking for directions they think they'll be classed a wuzz

  7. Cos we know where we are!

  8. Pride I like to read my map and am disgusted with myself when I fail to. usually I am so near where I wish to go that my pride taakes an even greater belt.

  9. dad is like that. it's because men hate admitting when they are wrong or lost. gimps. lol.

  10. I rarely get lost but if I am I'll just ask for directions gas isn't cheap enough for me to be driving in circles.

  11. they are control freaks..and would never admit they made a mistake & took a wrong turn

  12. Pride ...some just shyness i guess!

  13. We shouldn't need to!    Most of us have a woman in our lives who knows everything anyway,   therefore it's all her fault  for not telling us when to turn.

  14. Because of their pride they don't want to lose face.when they say they are the best drivers, best  at map reading that the women are rubbish.when they cant get it right they don't want to then look stupid.which is stupid in its self!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Because us men have a great sense of direction...  =P

    and a nice GPS system that would help us ensure that sense of direction...

  16. Most of the men in 'Lost' asked for directions - and look where that got them!

    I am never at a loss to ask for directions. I have learned that I have no idea where I am or where I am going. I last asked for directions from two old ladies in Tewkesbury but they had either been locked in a lavatory for some time - as the old song goes - or they had not yet dried out from the terrible flooding of that town - as they directed me in a carefully planned route - back to Tewkesbury! I next asked a policeman. I will never do that again! (Although, to be fair, Cheltenham is nice.)

    As for driving, this was confirmed by a lady friend who asked me, "Are we there yet? When do we get to The Eden Project?" (Cornwall)

    I replied sarcastically, "Just past Manchester." Well I wasn't wrong, was I? Then we took a wrong turning and spent the night in a field. Not a total loss.

    I have no pride in this respect. I am quite willing to acknowledge when the A - Z and taxi drivers with 'The Knowledge' have got it wrong.

    I know the way to Amarillo - and to Burton Lazers near to Melton Mowbray, without asking. Sorry - you are right. I am not 'most men'. As a lady, can you give me precise directions to Wanderers Avenue, Wednesbury, West Midlands from Central Birmingham? I have been looking for ages and I cannot find it.

    I have in mind a certain lady whom you might not wish to ask for directions, in case she said, "Am I bothered?"

    The best advice I ever had was from a narrow boat I had hired on The Grand Union Canal. As I passed another boat we waved (as you do) and I asked, "Where is the next turning for Chester?"

    "Keep straight on. You can't miss it," said the lady of the passing boat. Well, you can guess the rest!

    I hope that this puts your mind at rest - if not lost.

  17. woman will talk to anyone whereas a man won't

  18. because we are not lost ...never heard of the scenic rout

  19. we never get lost

  20. Cause we always know where we are going, its just that without telling us they have turned the towns round.

  21. I do all the time,but half the time,I get someone who cant speak English anyway

  22. Its kind of a male competative thing. We all like to think of ourselves as being able to do anything. And knowing where we are going are where we are at at all times is kind of a compitition even if we are not competeing against anyone. We always want to be able to find our way with no help. I goes all the way back to childhood. Find a parent trying to help there little boys the little boys will cry out that they want to do it

  23. Because we never get lost !

    this is poking fun at us males and our attitudes and not being sexist. It's like saying why are women never wrong in an argument ? Because they're not!

  24. Because they actually think they know where they're going.

  25. That is an old, cliche, stand-up comedian joke; not a fact.

  26. as long as I have fuel, I'm NEVER lost

  27. I only get lost when the wife is giving me directions.

    "Right. No, right. I said RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!"

    "But this is right."

    "No, I told you to go THERE!"

    "Oh, you meant the other right. That special right that only women know about. Which is on the left."

  28. men only get lost when a woman is  reading the map!!!

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