
Why is it that most people who don't believe in the man-made GW are undereducated and poor?

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While well-off educated accept the reality that humans have impacted global climate change in a negative way.




  1. Are you calling most republicans and oil company CEO's uneducated and poor?

  2. This question is based on an erroneous assumption. There are plenty of wealthy people that think global warming is a myth. They are wrong, but global atmospheric computer modeling is so complex that it is understandable that they don't believe it. A new supercomputer has just come out at Los Alamos that can do 1 quadrillion (1,000 trillion or 1 million billion) calculations per second that will put any questions to rest. However, the observations of what is actually happening in the world should be an indicator enough.  It is happening - the question is what do we do about it now?

  3. I don't think it's just the undereducated and poor.  I have some friends that I was amazed to find out did not believe in global warming.  As they say "ignorance is bliss" and they prefer to stay blissfully ignorant of the issue.  I think if any logical human being actually sat down and looked at all the facts it would be undeniable.

  4. Manmade GW is total BS.  I have an environmental degree from UCLA.  I am not poor.  C02 only makes up .0034% of our atmosphere.  Water vapor is the only important greenhouse gas, and you can't do anything about that.  Its the warmer periods of earth's history that life has flourished.  I say, bring on the heat so we can fight the real problem, Earth's population.

  5. Why is it that most people who do believe in man-made global warming fail to realize that the SUN is responsible for the climate and temperature on all  the  planets in the solar system ?

  6. there are a lot of very poor people in africa, bangladesh, tuvalu, maldives, vanuatu etc. etc. who are seeing the results of climate change with their own eyes. some have been campaigning for years already, some are beginning to get very worried more recently.

  7. Let's see... My husband has a Masters. I am college educated as well. We are not rich, but we certainly are not poor. Neither of us believe in man made GW.

    But I'm sure you don't put much store in our opinions. so how about 31,072 American scientists, including 9,021 with PhDs, who have signed a petition challenging the theories of manmade global warming (Ref:

    All in all, I would say that was a very uneducated assumption you just made. On behalf of the educated and (at least moderately) well off nonbelievers in man made global warming, we are awaiting your apology.

    Edit: .... Still waiting.

    Edit: ... And still waiting... How typical... People like you get called out by someone with, oh, lets' call it facts, and they run and hide. Oh, well. Have a nice day.

  8. Most of the poor and uneducated people of the world have been stabbed in the back and taken advantage of by politicians and "educated"people that they trust no one and so do not believe the c**p about  "Global warming" because it came from the mouth of an "educated"politician.

    On the other hand the well educated are almost always also politically correct and to be so they must follow the leader even to their doom.

  9. there will always be skeptics. Most are stubborn, some are too busy burning tires and the rest just dont give a **** because they figure they'll be dead by the time any real change occurs.

  10. Hi i don't know the statistics , but definitely the undereducated (not the poor) people will not think very much in any related issue to such GW or environment or economy or war.

    they will think very direct and simple .

    just in their fields of knowledge which is usually the work or job they are doing.


  11. Why is it that most people do do believe in the man-made GW are also undereducated?  I don't see what socioeconomic status has to do with it, really.

    I'm not saying that I'm either for or against the validity of this concept. . . I'm just saying that from what I see a heck of a lot of people on either side of the issue doesn't seem to sound like they really know all that much of what they're talking about.  Maybe if more people would actually shut up and read something worthwhile on the topic, we'd actually be able to have a real dialogue that was productive.  As it is, we largely have the elitists (I'm sure you aren't one of them) vs. the oblivious idiots.

    Please let's just quit quoting numbers of Ph.D.'s, too.  It drives me up the wall as a Ph.D. student, because I learned not to trust people's opinions based on highest-degree-level alone a long time ago.

  12. night shade sweet

    you make me feel obsolete

    your question answers it self

  13. It is probably unfair to characterize the deniers as undereducated and poor.  The poor are not connected to the issue one way or the other.  For the most part deniers are average people with average educations.  An average US citizen is not scientifically literate: US students ranked 17th out of 30 countries in math and science.

    Here again deniers fit right in to a culture more interested in sports and entertainment than science and technology.  I don't think that Hollywood can carry the US economy, but obviously there are some that do. There is a second group of deniers that are well-educated and know better, but choose to defend their economic interests in the fossil economy rather than admit scientific fact.  Deniers are distinctly under-represented among the overeducated scientific elites despite clumsy attempts such as the Oregon petition to show otherwise.

  14. Nigel you are wrong! Our protective atmospher creates an enviornment where we have thrived. W/O it we would be like Mars or Venus, where there is no protection from the sun and there can be days hotter that 300 degrees and nights colder 100 below.

    The atmospher is what humans are detroying.

    What Nigel and Youth have both confirmed that there are a lot of undereducated poor people who dismiss global climate change.

  15. Lots of people who live in areas where they see a cold winter are actually in FAVOR of global warming. I've heard MANY people say "Well, if it means that it's not going to be 10 degrees below zero out, bring it on."

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