
Why is it that my doctor can treat fungul nail disease

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yet not the ingrowing nail?

He prescribed a lotion for me to put on the nail for fungal nail disease under the NHS yet said Id have to see a chiropodist privately for the in growing nail ........ on the same toe??

Is it me or does this sound ridiculous




  1. A case of P.C.!!

  2. Because a chiropodist is a foot specialist and your doctor is not.

  3. A GP knows very little about the foot. They don't need to either as Podiatrists specialise in this area and train for three years. GPs prescribe medicine so they can diagnose and prescribe fungal treatments but are not trained in actual nail care. Although some GPs are trained to carry out toe nail removal under local Anaesthetic.

    Do you actually need the nail or part of it removing or do you just need nail care?

    Is you need actual nail surgery under local Anaesthetic then this can be done on the NHS by a Podiatrist. You can get it done privately but should not have to if there is a genuine need.

    My advice would be to see a different doctor and ask for a referral to the Podiatry department for nail surgery if needed. Alternatively you might be able to self refer to Podiatry depending on what Trust you are in. You should ask reception if this is possible at your GP surgery.

    However if you need the ingrowing nail dealt with by alternative means e.g simple cutting etc... You will find that GPs won't generally refer you to Podiatry as the waiting list for this sort of treatment on the NHS can be two years.

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