
Why is it that my farts are always silent and stink heaps?

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Whenever I f**t it always stinks a lot more than most peoples' farts, and they are ALWAYS silent. Why is this?




  1. haha, silent but violent :)

    i think it just depends on the foods you eat, if you eat gasseous foods then youll probably let out those humoungous scary loud ones, and if you eat stuff that just makes your insides gurgle the youll let out silent but smelly ones.

    but you should be greatful, because with loud ones people always know who did it but if theyre just smelly then you can turn around and blame the poor person behind you.

  2. Fiber or too much processed foods in your system.

  3. Just think what you can get away with.......

  4. Silly, but if this were a true question then the answer would simply be a diet consisting of veggies and fiber, but not to excess.

  5. lol

    i was wondering the same thing

    change your diet as many said before me

  6. What is going on is that your body is becoming less efficient at digestion, and this poor digestion leads to an increase in gas production. There are many reasons for becoming gassy, such as eating foods that don't agree with you, not properly combining foods, or gulping air while you are eating, but the vast majority of gas is produced by bacteria in your gut.

  7. Haha youre probably not as bad as my dad. When we go shopping you wont hear it but d**n you can smell it. Its pretty disgusting but hey its natural and yeah its to do with your diet.  

  8. Silent but deadly.

  9. because of what you eat.

  10. haha thats funny

    and yeah it depends on what u eat buudy

    so no more nasty food kk babe

  11. maybe ur large intestine is clogged up with poo and then gas cannot be heard and it'll stink more cause yea..if ur large intestine isn't so full of poo then less bacteria and more noises..:))

  12. LOL Slient But Deadly  

  13. Stop gorging yourself on cooked cabage.

  14. because you have to poo. Eat more bran.  

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