
Why is it that no matter who gets elected to office some one thinks they always have an agenda?

by  |  earlier

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I was just skipping past the questions and some one asked about reclaiming the fasist republican media or some thing. the question had my slide bar down to a 1/4 inch it raged on so much.

How much time do people have to think their way into a conspiracy. The guy sounded like a raving nut bag from some 1960's extreme war rally. Blah Blah Blah secret trials Blah Blah BLah special agenda. he went on and on about so much I couldn't keep track some of it was way off. He probably thinks 9/11 was a planned gov. program to get us into war. I mean thats movie mad man nuts.

Look I love this country and I know it can be tuff and I know it doesn't seem fair that we live in such a terrible place.

I mean just yesterday I couldn't decide on an big mac or a chicken sandwich, we are always on the look out for murderus bands of knife weilding soldiers from the other party and how can god let us live in a world were milk may expire three days after we buy it. I just can't understand it! GB USA!




  1. Human nature.

    And so is greed!

  2. I get your point,and for the most part agree...

    Americans don't need a conspiracy, they are very good at spontaneous stupidity.....

    However I believe in the politicians with agendas,who would want that job, unless you got something in return.....

  3. Politicians run on a platform.  Don't look now but that's an agenda.

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