
Why is it that no one on the relationship board can type correctly?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, I know all of you aren't illiterate 7th graders. Why do you guys find it so hard to use correct grammar, capitalization, and punctuation?




  1. Also spelling, and using words that mean something other than what they are trying to express.

    Also incoherent and disconnected thoughts and sentences (can we call them that?) that run on and on and on.  

  2. Kids these days .... they are all into texting and instant messaging - there is no time for grammar and punctuation.

    But, some of us do type correctly.

    I know, you wonder how it effects their thought processes.....

  3. 'Cuz they can't really be bothered to type out a whole sentence and i get the feeling they're just trying to make us confused, although they're probably not, and may (for all we know) actually be illiterate 7th graders!

  4. It's "summer vacation" teach!!   Their tired of your mouth running at school all year and their on break!

    I was shocked when I heard that my local schools aren't teaching "cursive" until junior high any longer because of all this computer technology!

  5. a better question come most of us are punctuation n***s?.  Me included sh*t...

  6. it's the internet, who cares.  that and a lot of the people that use these boards are between the ages of 10 and 16.

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