
Why is it that none of the 'deniers' of AGW cannot reach a 'consensus' as to why AGW is not happening?

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There must be more than two dozen proposals as to why AGW is not happening. From the sun is getting hotter,it's a "scam,to "It's God's Earth!"

Why can't any of them reach an agreement as to what is going on? Or is there one big train of thought that contains all of those things? Here are just a few...




  1. How is that relevant. Since it's comon knowledge that consensus does not not nor as it ever constituted proof?  Also

    since AGW is simply a THEORY, just like the Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Relativity and we all know that the word THEORY is science speak for we really don't have a clue but this is our best guess.  Does it matter if the deniers are not myopic enough to come up with a single explaination?

    Come back to us when a Theory is considered indisputable fact.

    Last time I checked it wasn't called the Theory of Gravity, but nice try.

  2. It doesn't take 50 reasons to prove AGW is not happening. Only one.

  3. It is because they have not acquainted themselves with the whole body of evidence.  They find one thing that seems to confirm what they see out of their window cling to that rather than try to learn how that one thing fits into to the big picture.  They assume that if they can't understand something, there is no research that addresses it.

  4. Us AGW deniers agree with each other on the fact that humans are not the cause of global warming, we also agree that what global warming there is, is caused by natural and cyclical processes the earth goes through.  We all think Al Gore and other green-living proponents are liars who do nothing but tell everyone else how to live, when they continue to consume.

    And yes, it is a scam.

  5. Because the sun, which is getting much hotter, is causing the warming, which really isn't happening, measured by the useless temperature datasets, which are manipulated by scientists who all work for Al Gore (who invented global warming so he could get rich, because he's a communist that doesn't believe in capitalism), and CO2 really isn't a greenhouse gas, which even though it's increasing isn't caused by humans, who send all their greenhouse gases (which don't really exist) directly to trees, which we all know are growing much healthier now.

  6. To be blunt, it's because all of their theories are obviously wrong.

    It's not the Sun, natural cycles, or galactic cosmic rays:

    It's not the most massive conspiracy ever perpetrated, it's not that the surface stations are biased, it's not that the warming has stopped, and it's not that aliens are shooting heat rays at Earth.

    If any of these theories were remotely plausible, all the 'skeptics' would support it.  Most 'skeptics' just try to poke holes in the AGW theory (and do a terrible job of it), and then claim "we just don't know".

    Their goal is simply to introduce doubt so they can delay us from taking action on the issue.  It's like the lawyer who knows his client is guilty, but is trying to introduce reasonable doubt into the jury.  You just throw everything including the kitchen sink at them, and hope something sticks enough so they say "I'm just not sure".

    The problem is that the experts are sure, and it's the experts' opinions that matter most.

  7. Why can't the doom sayers get a consensus as to how much warming will occur, and what the consequences of that warming will be?

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