
Why is it that our dollar has lost so much value?

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Why is it that our dollar has lost so much value?




  1. A country's currency is tied to its productive capacity. If it produces $1,000,000 per year in products and services, it should have $1,000.000 in currency to handle the transactions. The US government prints the dollars that relate to these transactions. When the government prints more money than is necessary to support non-economic transactions, for whatever purpose the value of the currency decreases. A product is worth $5.00 but the dollars are only worth $4.00 in buying power because there are too many $ in the economy. The more extra-money that is printed by the government the greater the decrease in value. The government is currently printing extra money to cover the war, the credit crises, etc.

  2. Our economy is going to SH*T!!

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