
Why is it that our taxes get higher when we expect the government to do more for us?

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Why? And who really IS the government?




  1. If you want to government to do more things, like repair roads, build bridges, support training doctors, patrol the boarders, inspect products for dangerous chemicals or any of the other numerous things they do, then they need money to pay for these things. They can get the money by doing things like taxing your income, taxing your property, taxing businesses, taxing your purchases and so on.

    "The Government" is made up of many elected officials---

    At the local level: Your mayor, city council, and school board along with commissioners and local judges.

    At the state level: Governor, State Representatives, state Senators, Secretary of State and so on.

    At the Federal (national) level:

    President, Senators and Representatives.

    As well as unelected officials---

    I'll just name some examples at the Federal level:

    Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Supreme Court Justices and Surgeon General


  2. The governement sucks, they trick us

  3. Ha, interesting, well to the fools who say " how do you expect roads , construction, etc.. with out taxes" well, you all are ignorant b******s. (Sorry to be harsh, but it's true) This is how it REALLY works:

    The IRS collects taxes , these taxes are used to pay of the debt the U.S government owes to the ILLEGAL reserve system (the "federal reserve" which is not at all federal and is NOT part of the government & is unconstitutional and a private institution ) , The federal reserve than keeps printing out money for the u.s government to use on the Iraq war , etc.. this printed money, amounts to more debt, since it's borrowed from the reserve, the more debt, the higher the taxes because the u.s government has to pay of the reserve someway and they pay them of by taxing YOU. You might be saying "wait what?!? how can the u.s OWE money to the reserve?!?" well because that money is printed by the reserve (as is all American money) and the reserve charges for it to make profit. Your roads, food stamps, etc.. are payed for by the money the U.S borrows from countries like china, japan, etc.. which is even more debt to the country. Guess whose all behind it? Yup, the wealthy rich b******s, more specifically the Rockefellers, Rothschild, & all those other b******s who may i say started the federal reserve and are founders of the council on foreign relations who, with out doubt, IS OUR REAL GOVERNMENT, yes, people are going to thumbs this down/report my answer, say i'm a loon, ha! when the NWO happens and i survive while you ignorant people are dead, you'll see whose the retarded!

    These videos explain it all :

    Fact: The income tax is UNCONSTITUTIONAL & not needed, that's why people should have voted for RON PAUL!

  4. It's quite simple actually. If the government is going to steal more money from us I expect them to provide more service. Now I'd actually prefer they provide less government and pass the saving on to us taxpayers.

  5. because everything costs money, so if your government is spending more, it needs more money to spend. the government collects money from the people for its spending. that collection process for the large part is called taxes. so more spending, more taxes.

    the government isn't a person it's a bureaucracy, a system. the people are just the parts. technically the government is meant to be a system representative of the people, so you could say the people are the government, but in practice this is not really the case, though it seems to be.

    taxes are good, the government is the taxpayers basically, so paying taxes is similar to putting money away in savings for retirement. it's still your money. but if you live in the US, what you want is to tax the most wealthy people alot more and leave the rest about the same but provide more public services for them. also, they should spend less on warfare.

    the logic pass on the savings to the taxpayers, is intuitively correct but in actuality is not a good idea. to a certain extent it is though. it is good to give the less wealthy a break, but not good  to give the most wealthy a free for all.

  6. Expecting the government to do more for you means you want bigger government, which means more programs and expanding existing programs. That costs money of course. What people seem to miss is that when you ask more of government you give it more power that would otherwise belong to the people and pay for it...and most of these programs really just muck things up even worse. The Libertarian Party has the right idea about smaller government, more power to the people, and moving away from the welfare state where everyone is a slave to everyone.

    The government is owned by big businesses like DuPont. Sorry :(

  7. Only the Socialists want our government to do more for us (give us money we didn't earn).

    Everyone else wants the gov off our back and out of our wallet.

  8. How is the government going to do things for us without any money? That is what taxes are, sure some percentage mau go to other things, but that money goes to the governemnt. It funds, construction, programs, anything the government operates. You cant expect the government just to start doing a bunch of stuff for free.

  9. Our taxes go higher because the government needs money to do more for us. Not that I agree with them

  10. Taxes get raised in order to cover deficits.  Deficits are a result of poor management.

    War also creates deficits.  As we spend more than we take in.  We employ a military whether we use them or not.  As we should.  So war does not do much to create new jobs.

    We are better off when money is spent to create new jobs.  Such as infrastructure, or even jobs in the social services.

    The government consists of those people who "govern".  We only participate in governing when we vote.  Then we no longer govern, but are governed by those we elected.

    We all expect the government to do something for us.  We expect our roads and hiways to be maintained.  We expect our waterways to be protected.  We expect our energy sources to be supplied.  We should be able to have those expectations.  Those expectations should be fulfilled before a war for all the wrong reasons.

  11. they want to hold the olimpics

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