
Why is it that people are so blind?

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Ok I am NOT a racist. But why is it that alot of African Americans talk about slavery and how hard they have it. For one blacks were not the only race in slavery. And now everyone and every race has the same rights and opportunities. We can all vote we can all play sports we can all run for president. We can all go to the same school o wait no we can't there is all black schools where whites can't go. But whatever. Why the fuss still about how hard it is to be black in America.




  1. Racism,( rather, what is termed as such) is a very natural emotion.It is a very human emotion to feel pride in your self, your family, your extended family, your school, your friends, your community, your province or state or your country. Are you wrong to be against the other team and cheer for yours? Is it right? Not really, wouldn't you love to teach your kids to cheer for both teams and just enjoy the competition? Would you be crazy to really expect it to happen?

  2. guess you wont really know unless you're actually a black living in US..

    They probably have other issues too.. which they relate back to history.. not all people have the mind set you have and probably just a weird - i - look - down - on - you - look from a white person may just set if off in them .. can't blame them ...

  3. You need to realize that there are reason for "all black universities" and while black people have the right  to any school in today's society that doesn't mean racism and discrimination don't exist all together. Black people DO have it hard in America mostly because of the stereotypes and how people like YOU generalize all black people. Also there are a lot of internal issues within the black American that you just don't understand and probably don't care to. BTW I'm black my ancestors were never slaves, just to let you know.

  4. LOL...  "Ok, I am NOT a racist..... but......"

    Why the fuss?   Have you ever been denied a job or a place to live because you don't look like the people who are hiring or renting?  

    Talk about blind!  Apparently you have never even had the opportunity to know what you are talking about.   What a shame.   Try this:  take a year or two and move to a place where you are a racial minority.   You might want to go to Japan, or to Alaska, someplace where you are the "wrong" color.  Experience the feeling of being despised because of your color.  Find out what it's like to be lied to about how "That job has been filled," when you know it hasn't.  Try looking for a place to live, being told, "The apartment is no longer for rent" and then seeing the place shown to someone else who is looking.

    You are blind, and you don't even know it.  (And, you ARE a racist.)

  5. There are African Americans who do play the "I'm a minority" card too much, but don't forget, they still are discriminated. We wouldn't understand because we're not black, but based on things that I've seen with my own eyes, they aren't treated as equally as you'd think.  

  6. I beat you a dollar if it wasn't for trackers and other Moriarty's to do most of the labor  white people would turn against blacks and reinstate  slavery .you wont see a bunch of white people working those  Fields  loll. if you mark this a thumbs down you have no sence of humor .

  7. I have no answer for you, I feel the same way though, it makes no sense to me as to why they think they have it so bad.

  8. i think it is just because they didn't like it because they were the slaves and they are still annoyed that we were the dominant race.

  9. Because although one might think that racism is completely gone, that's not true. it's true some other races where slaves but it was mostly the black population.

    Small amounts of racism still continue in their everyday lives. Mainly how people cower when they see them because they think they are going to get shot, or something ridiculous like that.

    Although they have no one to blame but the majority of blacks whom set that image for the whole culture.  It's unfair to the hard working black people whom wish to be something more than a bum or a gangmember, but it's the truth.

    I can only assume these things. seeing as i am Mexican i get those responeses from people. Im sure being black is something along the same lines or worse or better idfk. But that's my interpretation.

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