
Why is it that people bully people weaker than them?

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Why is it that people bully people weaker than them?




  1. Well it's a bit hard to bully people stronger, isn't it?

  2. Because the people they pick on are clearly weaker then them so they know they have found an easy target and wont get hurt themselves. Bullys are idiots.

  3. Because they know that someone weaker than them will not talk back, and all in all, they will not be talked back to and they will not feel inferior. They want to feel superior, therefore they go after those who will most definitely immediately feel inferior.

  4. the are to much of a coward to take on someone there own size.  

  5. They're insecure. They bully people weaker to gain the feeling that they are dominant.

  6. a lot of bullies actually have low self esteem. they need to put others down so they can feel superior. and of course you can't bully somebody who looks stronger than you, it might backfire

  7. Because it's human nature to pick on those weaker and be afraid of the stronger ones. One of the ways to show your fear is to ignore them and not even dare to look them in the eyes. You practically scream "HEY! I'M A WEAKLING! COME AND BULLY ME!" so it's those people's fault too. They are cowards and they deserve the way they are treated. Even hitting them or cursing them and then running like h**l is braver because later you can't say you just stood there and ate their ****.

  8. why is it that people bully people weaker than them?

    It's all about social and economic heirarches.

    It starts when a child is young and they see that might makes right. If you won't something in this world, take it. And of coarse pecking order. it's not always physical. mostly it's phychological or emotional. Teacher's start the cycle by favoring certain students based on attractiveness, ethnicity, and most importantly economics. This is a point which mostly determines how we as children are treated.

    Ever notice how children of White-collar parents slide into the Above-Grade level classes from the beginning. Children in On-Grade level classes often have parents with Blue-collar jobs. And ethnic children are immediately placed in Below-level classes reguardless of their parents vocation.

    If that ain't enough, then there's recess where teachers pick team captains to play kickball, dodgeball, what have you. They often pick the most popular child, who is usually the most attractive and more often then not is in the Above-grade level classes. This hones them earlier on to be leaders, eventualy managers, executive, CEO's. That child picks a friend who happens to be in the On-grade level classes, then proceeds to ask that friend who should be picked next. That friend would eventually grow to become a supervisor or laborers. Then there're the ethnic children picked based on athletic stereotypes. They'll be the laborers of the future.

    All this to maintain the status quoe.

  9. If they bullied people stronger than them they'd get beat up.

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