
Why is it that people do not see the "hunch" that Obama is the antichrist?

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Is it because you are too young to feel a hunch, and/or you have been pumped full of liberal propaganda from the latest high school c**p, and you watch so many false stars on American Idol like shows and never acknowledge when they fall hard later on?

So, you are sheep. Easily led and easily F........D!




  1. I do not think Sen Obama is a antichrist.I do think he is anti-republican.

  2. What is the problem?!

    Everyone has his/her religious right. You should respect to other on religious issue. It would be totally against human right if you insist on other with your religion.

    Christianity had already lost their battle with Muslim from ancient Crusade to Iraqi war.

    Christianity is in no different with Muslim. The reason of Jesus being crucified was on his dictatorship - the King of Jews, who was not elected by Jews.

    Apostle Paul did say: Christians are ambassadors of the new heaven. That means, governance on the earth has no business with the new heaven because all governance will be destroy at the end of day and cannot enter into new heaven. As an ambassador, you should focus on preaching the gospels and presenting the culture of the new heaven.

  3. lol....I doubt Obama can kill as many as Bush did even if he try....

    Oldie,wake up

  4. hahahhaha.

    why are you people so funny and stupid.

    i think everyone catholic is a damned republican

    and they have convinced themselves that democrats have been possessed by your ******** satan.

  5. you sound like a fallen angel

  6. OMG!  Thank you..I literally got sick to my stomach and had fear run up my spine when I saw the Democratic Convention.  

    I kept thinking Revelations... So glad I'm not alone.

    I'm so tired of hearing how old McCain is.. How Obama is young and fresh... puke..

    WHO THE h**l is Obama..Where did he come from?  His father was a Muslim..Uhh....Muslims HATE US!!!  He won't say the pledge of allegiance. He won't wear a US flag on his lapel.

    Why can't anyone see that this very well might be the antichrist?

  7. i just think he is a man who is being pushed to show just how liberal the democrats can be

    they are trying to promote him well beyond his ability

    they would have been advised to select hillary for 2008 and groom the chosen one for 2012 when he would have had more than six months real time experience as a senator

  8. Nostradamus's work relates to an Obama-type character.  Here is the Quatrain informatin that relates to the direct destruction of America.  


    The great empire will be torn from limb,

    The all-powerful one for more than four hundred years:

    Great power given to the dark one from slaves come,

    The Aryana will not be satisfied thereby.

  9. What do you base your hunch that Obama is the Antichrist on?  He had an African father?  He received degrees from two Ivy League Universities (Columbia and Harvard)?  After graduating Harvard at the top of his class, he decided to go to Chicago and help the poor?  His support is so strong that he could choose not to take campaign financing from the Federal Government?  

    What could you base a hunch that Bush is the Antichrist on?  9/11 happened while he was President.  He blamed it on Bin Laden, but he hasn't caught him in 7 years.  He got us $4 trillion deeper in debt.  Bush has never gone to any of the funerals of those that have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.  More people were put to death while Bush was governor of Texas than at any other time.  Bush waited more than a year before forming the 9/11 Commission.  Even Pope John Paul II thought that Bush may be the Antichrist.  

  10. O.K. lets guess who is the anti-christ ??

    The real anti-christ was Nero.He was a Ceasar of Rome [if your wondering].The 666 comes from his name .

    Don't worry to much that you are only 2000 years out of date..

    I came back to see what others have written in the last 4 hours or so..

    I'm sorry you have become so upset but take a valium and calm down before you have a heart attack.

    At your age you should be lol lol

  11. I think this anti christ stuff is so crazy. I read the Bible and I am a religious person, but some people read too much into it. You people are the reason so many others are atheist. The anti-christ is in office already if any thing. I am sick of hearing about it. I'm not telling you to stop reading the Bible, but read something else for a while and expand your mind a bit more.

  12. If Obama is the anti-christ, what does that make Bush??

  13. Well first of all people will not have a "hunch" they'll either know or they won't if you look at it from a biblical perspective.

    Second of all, the antichrist will be one who is fully embraced by every person from every country.

    Now I'm not trying to put the guy down, but not everybody likes him.

    So there you go.

  14. first of old are you?? I pray you are young---because you are definitely an idiot full of misinformation. Makes me sad that they allow people like you to vote who will run my country.

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