
Why is it that people feel they have the right to do anything.?

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At a local walmart my fathers truck was defaced by hooligans. It was key scratched. It was Spray painted with the word b*tch. It was egged. Now what peeves me is that me and my dad spent a very long time spiffing it up to sell it at the end of the month so we could get a new car. Now we have to seal large scrapes, polish b*tch out of the side and hope the acid from the eggs does no damage to the paint. So tell me. Why do people feel like they have the right to do whatever they want?




  1. Can't hate walmart...just because of something someone else did.

    People today have a sense of entitlement because they are allowed to get away with it.  Society is allowing a lot of things to can't compete and keep score because it might hurt their feelings....children can't get spanked becasue it is abuse...children can say what they want because they are human and have rights too....

    All it has gotten us are children who do this stuff.  

    And I disagree with the person above who said the car at walmart was like a moth being drawn into a flame.

    People who go to walmart are not trashy people.  We have trashy people everywhere...robbing banks, jewelry stores, breaking and entering isn't is the fault of the parents and those who didn't raise these hooligans the right way and made them face consequences.  

    You have white collar crimes too....and people who are rich who do illegal things...they aren't trashy are they?

    Come fair.

  2. Was it parked overnight? Parking overnight in ANY parking lot is a dumb thing to do. I'm not saying they weren't complete a******s for doing it, but certain things can be prevented with a little common sense.

    People are just scum, that's why they'll do whatever they can get away with. The "people are basically good" BS has been disproven over and over again.

  3. Because some people are just .... Stupid!

  4. Well the first problem is it was in the Wal-Mart parking lot. That is like a moth to a flame for trashy delinquents. I got my only huge dent in my car from being in a WM parking was clearly a truck who couldn't see what he was doing. No way they didn't know they hit me either. So sorry.

  5. Their mothers did not beat them enough...don't worry, I have already started beating my children proper...three down, a few million to go...

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