
Why is it that people get their babies circumcised??

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I honestly think it's stupid???!!! Why would you do it just because some religion you believe in?? The baby was born the way he was and you gotta go circumcising them! :/

I just wanted to know if you do it for religious reasons or why you do it? And if you don't do it then I'd also like to hear your opinions.




  1. I don't know from experience being a gal and being a mum of 2 girls only, we haven't had to worry about it, but it's a good idea for hubby and to talk about it I guess since we are TTC #3 and hoping for a boy this time (we also have hubby's older 2 daughter's from a previous marriage) - yes 4 girls.

    If we do have a boy I don't think I could do that to him, I can't imagine having anything cut off, I'm not religious at all but have heard of good reasons for hygeine, but hubby's went wrong when his parents had his done (doc only removed half of it or something) so he's kinda half done, looks normal though thank goodness. but I can't imagine purposely doing that to my own child, and after his own experience I doubt hubby would want it done either.  Don't know, good food for thought though, Thanks for bringing it up.

  2. Many think that it is easier to keep clean and less likely to develop infections, yeast, not just for religious reasons.

  3. Long ago, male babies were circumcised because, yes, of religious beliefs.  You shouldn't look down on someone's lifestyle because of that.  

    Even if there weren't religious beliefs behind a circumcision, some people believed it was healthier for the baby.  There is evidence now that doing so serves no health purpose.  Some people continue for religious beliefs, others because it is cleaner.  It's just a personal decision people make because of individual backgrounds and cultures.

  4. Because they think they are doing the right thing. I don't think it is necessarily stupid - some kids need it for medical reasons if the skin is very tight or attached badly - but I do think it's sad when people do it through misinformation (I've lost count of how many people I've seen say that uncircumcised boys have to be cleaned in a special and difficult way, or that they have more infections. It's not true - look at the statistics from the UK where almost no boys are circumcised and nobody is taught fancy p***s cleaning techniques).

  5. It is kinda stupid. But I'm going to have a boy and going to have it done. I don't want him have want to have it done later in life and be to scared to do it.

  6. I have  5 month old, I never even considered doing it to him.  

    Most circumcised men are happy they were circumcised.  Most uncircumcised men are glad they were not (Me included).  The major difference is those unhappy being uncircumcised still have the option.  To me that is simple logic, especially compounded with the lack of medical evidence for circumcision.

  7. no i did it cause ive had brothers and uncles that didnt keep it clean and cause really bad infections not that in lazy but i didnt whant him going though anything like they did

  8. You can't quite compare those two. You don't HAVE to snip an umbilical cord. If you just leave it attached to the placenta, it'll shrivel up and die on its own anyways. But leaving it like that is kinda gross so thats why it's snipped.

    The p***s on the other hand, the f******n has a function so there's no need to snip it.

    Come on now, does anyone think little boys would FORGET to wash their penises? I'd think it would be their favorite part of bath time! (lol...) I don't have a little boy, but I'm sure they forget to wash everything sometimes lol but they'll grow up, and no one wants a stinky p***s.

    I agree 100% with mrsmamma. It all makes sense.

    I do, however, know of someone that just got circumsized at 20. It was because he had an actual condition that required it. Part of his f******n was still attached, I think, and it makes s*x without a condom painful. My friends boyfriend has the same thing, actually, and they rarely do it without condoms because it's more confortable for him. I doubt he would want to go through with getting circumsized though. He's lazy.

    But see, that has nothing to do with being clean.

    I think I'll go pull all my finger nails off as a preventative for dirt building up under them and making me sick.

  9. As you can see, people continually bring up the idea that a normal intact p***s is unclean.   This is completely untrue.  They think infections will occur if you don't wash.  Again, completely untrue.

    Circumcision became popular in America in the late 19th century as a way to stop young boys from masturbating:

    Circumcision destroys the normal functioning of the p***s and completely strips it of any mobility.  See how a normal p***s "works":

    The f******n is THE most sensitive part of the p***s:

    On the underside of the f******n are thousands of unique nerves.  These are stimulated by the gliding motion of the skin moving up and down.  The circumcised man is left with the glans as his sole means of sexual pleasure.  The glans is one of the LEAST sensitive parts of the p***s.  Sensitivity is further reduced because of keratinization.  This is where an extra layer of hardened skin forms on top of the exposed glans due to it being constantly irritated.  

    The f******n has a unique important role in s*x:

    So s*x will be less pleasurable for the man for obvious reasons.  Because of the change in shape and the change in the p***s's structure and functionality , s*x is made worse for the woman.  This is because the f******n provides a natural cushion and it also traps moisture.  s*x with a circumcised p***s is more likely to leave the woman sore due to vaginal dryness.  Also the circumcised man tends to thrust harder in longer strokes which is again, less pleasurable for the woman.

    A circumcised p***s requires a lot more attention than an intact p***s.  There is nothing you need to do as parents with an intact p***s.  You do not retract the f******n - this is actually damaging to the p***s.  The f******n retracts of its own accord in 99% of boys.  This can happen any time from the ages of 3 to puberty.  Boys produce smegma when they reach puberty.  Smegma isn't dirty, it is natural - just like the juices found in the v****a.  It is actually beneficial.  It provides lubrication and it also contains antibodies.  If a boy doesn't wash, nothing will happen to him .  If he washes under his armpits, why wouldn't he wash under his f******n?  It is not hard and it takes less than 5 seconds.  So there is no reason to lose the functionality of the p***s on the false notion that it is cleaner because it is not.

  10. Babies also come out with the umbilical cord attached. Is it wrong to snip that?

  11. It is very embarrassing for a boy growing up, eventually he will accept it but it will be in his early 20s. If he forgets to wash that area, it will smell like rotten cheese. Girls usually don't find it attractive.

  12. all the doctors seem to insist and some people don't know what it is and others want the child to look like the dad

  13. I didn't circumcise my son. I think it's unnecessary. I think it's painful. That's about it. I don't believe that it's more hygienic today. People have good hygiene. They wash with soap daily. I don't believe that I should make that decision for another person.

    As far as religion, I'm Christian and according to the New Testament, circumcision is a non-issue. (Galatians 6:12-16) I do think that if people do it for religious reasons, that is valid. People that do it for looks, to me, that is not a good reason to put a baby through that.

  14. I dont have a son, but I've thought a lot about it because we didnt know what our 2nd baby was going to be until she was born.

    I think circumcision is genital mutilation, and that its completely sexist for it to be illegal to perform on girls, but common to perform on boys.  If its cruel to cut off a baby girl's parts, HOW does it make any more sense to do to a boy?

    I think circumcision implies that boys are born defective, which I totally disagree with.  The f******n is extremely sexually sensitive, and serves a purpose.

    People say that its "cleaner" or that it "looks better".  Well, should we remove the labia of little girls so they have less to clean and can have more attractive genitals?  Its completely illogical!  All the supposed "benefits" of circumcision are MYTHS.  It is considered by the medical community to be a totally cosmetic procedure.  And why put a tiny baby through the risks of surgery for no reason?  f******n is NOT dangerous, but surgery IS!   The risk of MRSA (aka the super bug, aka, antibiotic resistant staph infection) is extremely high with circumcision!  MRSA can KILL.  

    The notion that a boy/man cant handle cleaning the extra skin is ridiculous.  The vast majority of men in the world manage JUST FINE, and women have far more to clean and we manage just fine too!  In fact, women are very prone to UTI's, yeast infections, and bladder infections, but we dont go around deciding to lop off our labia to "prevent" those things!

    Circumcision was originally recommended by religions as a way to prevent boys from masturbating, but of course, that doesnt work and is a silly reason.

    America is the only country where we practive such a barbaric procedure routinely on newborns, despite the fact that not one medical association in the whole world recommends it!

    Fortunately, more and more educated parents are choosing not to circumcize and the rates are dropping rapidly.  Overall, its down to less than 50%, and in my particular state, we're down to 30%.  I think the parents who still circumcize these days and think it will make their son more "normal" will find that their son will in fact be in the minority, and will also be more educated and aware of the issue, and perhaps even bitter that he was violated in such a personal way.

    Here in america, we pretend to be so big into "its my body, its my choice" when it comes to issues, but many people seem to think that the most sensitive part of their son's body is exempt from that concept and they can mutilate it all they want just because its "tradition", or because "daddy's is done", or because its "cleaner".

    Anyone who actually circumcizes in this day and age is simply uneducated, and its sad that their son should have to suffer for it.

    It should be HIS choice.

  15. 1. for religious reasons

    2. hygenic

    I'm a girl, Muslim , my parents did it because of religious reasons too.

  16. We don't have the right to judge people based on there religious beliefs. If there religion dictates that a baby boy should be circumcised and it is done properly then what is the harm.  Religion is strong factor in the way we live our life and I am certain you do many things in your life based on your beliefs.

    I have a son and he is not circumcised and I don't plan to do so unless there is a medical reason but I ceratinly do not judge parents who chose that option. the procedure is very quick and the baby will never remember the pain.

  17. wow, my younger brother didn't get circumsized and ended up with a disgusting infection in the skin folds. and yes my mother cleaned it the best she could, the doctor even told her that sometimes  when a boy isn't circumsized that there are places that you just can't get to or you can;t clean them enough to prevent infection, well anyway he ended up having to then be circumsized and where the infection was is going to be scarred. and i'm pregnant with a boy and yes im getting him circumsized, regardless of what you believe the child comes first and if its something that effects health than it should be done. just because you don't have a p***s and you don't have to worry about infections on your p***s doesn't mean that you should just decide it's wrong. i hope you don't have a son, if you do i'll pray for him since he has a close minded mother that promotes his p***s getting infected

  18. I dont understand why it is done. I think it would look erect all the time just not stiff.. U as a parent have to teach ur son to look after his bits. Its simple really.. As there are no benefits why cause pain to ur lil one?

  19. It's cleaner for the child. Would you get your baby's ears pierced. Do you have your ears pierced. You weren't born that way. It is a choice and most of the time has nothing to do with religion.

  20. Ignorance and tradition. They've "heard" it's cleaner or less likely to get infected or they just personally think it looks better or junior needs to be messed with like Daddy was. This only really happens in the USA, and for Muslims and Jews. Nobody else practises it regularly.

  21. boys need to be circumcised for health purposes as well.  the extra skin can trap infections and what not . not to mention that the uncircumcised p***s is not very pretty.

  22. My husband is uncircumcised and he does not get infections and he has no problems with keeping himself clean. I'll bet he's cleaner there than men who are circumcised but don't wash themselves properly. It's no excuse for poor personal hygiene. I didn't have any sons but if I had, I would have left it up to them to decide for themselves. That's because I don't believe in making permanent alterations to other people's bodies without a compelling medical reason for it. I didn't even get my daughters' ears pierced until they were older and asked for it.

  23. I wouldnt do it for religious purposes, id just do it because its easier to keep clean. From what ive heard. Of course i dont know becuase ive never had a p***

  24. We did it with both of our sons. But not for any religious reasons. One reasons is because my husband was circumcised and we didnt want our boys to feel or look different from daddy. Also because it's easier to keep clean and not just when they are babies. How many teenager boys enjoy being clean, now think if they werent circumcised, they would be way more prone to getting an infections down there. I have 2 friends that didnt circumsize their sons but its only cuz they were on state health insurance and it didnt cover circumcision.

  25. If you think it's stupid then don't do it.  It's personal choice and none of your business why other people do it.  I have known several uncircumsized boys who ended up having it done later in life due to infection.

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