
Why is it that people hate Mel Gibson for making the movie Passions Of The Christ?

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I think that it is kind of stupid that people get really upset about the movie Passions of the Christ By Mel Gibson but the movie American HIstory X gets no compaints. . . its stupid!




  1. People hate 'Passion' because it supposedly is anti-Semitic in its portrayal of the Jews as those that killed Jesus.

  2. because they can't handle the truth

  3. People don't hate Mel for making that movie.  The Jews hate Mel for making that movie.  See, Jewish run Hollywood had no intention of ever making a good movie about Christ...only to take his name in vain.  Mel turned the tide, wound up with the biggest movie in history...and they didn't like that.

    Why did the Jews give him so much static when he made the movie about Christ? See, that's where it started. Mel should apologize but the Jews running Hollywood should first apologize for starting the whole thing. Mel was stressed because of persecution, behind the scenes. Mel got drunk, and it all came out.

    The more important question is: how does Hollywood remain almost completely dominated by Jews? Obviously, they are the bigots, promoting Jews as actors, or producers, remain in control. Does it make me feel good that Jewish people, who hate Jesus, are instructing the world through movies, TV, etc? They remain in control because they are practicing bigotry. That is why Mel was so stressed.

  4. Because Mel Gibson made a snuff film about Jesus, it is just sick, if you want to talk about Jesus you should talk about his life and the positive things he did not the horible way he died.

    American History X is about redemption and yes it has some graphic scenes and yes I'm sure it has had many complaints but it is not all about the death of one person in a brutal way, it is about growth and learning and understand.

  5. I hate Mel Gibson for Lethal Weapon 3

  6. I think that the movie was a ridiculous idea because he chose such a theme which is a controversial subject and portrayed Jews as murderers.

    I also hate him (as many do) because he's an anti-Semite.

  7. The movie seemed as though it was rooting for the Death of Jesus rather than His Life being important.

    You heard about Gibsons recent Jewish slurs have'nt you?What's up with that?

    Jesus was a Jew and a beloved,strong man yet that movie just showed Him as a bloody,weak man.

  8. Thx 4 the pnts!

  9. Some feel it was anti-semetic.

    And, Christ is always a controversial subject.  The movie naturally attracted lots of attention, controversy, and subsequently...criticism.  Gibson achieved his get Jesus in the spotlight.

  10. Because it was supposedly anti Semitic, and people knew what Gibson's father thought on the subject (way anti-Semitic) so they thought the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  11. I totally agree. It would be one thing if people were bagging on every movie that struck a nerve of any type. But the fact that they are only bagging on the religious one tells me they probably all need a prayer to be said for them, since I doubt they will do it themselves. I liked both movies, they both had a lot to say, but only one was criticized. What a shame the world follows those morons.

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