
Why is it that people hate people on disney??

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ok alot of people hate the jonas brothers cause of disney well what if they were NOT on disney........but the main thing is why do people hate people on disney???




  1. they seem unbelieveably fake

    a lot of them aren't the best entertainers

  2. They only reason I hate them is because they all sound the same and they are meant for a young age, yet everyone all ages loves them. Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, etc. all sound well...plastic. Their songs aren't substantial and all their songs sound alike. They never experiment with their songs. This is just my opinion and I know there are so many people that love the Disney stars, so I don't want to offend anyone but that's just how I feel. Also, it's not Disney I hate, it's the substance on it nowadays. It's not just the singers either, what happened to all the good cartoons?

  3. It may be that most people see Disney as a quick road to success.  Teenagers and kids are fickle and they like to follow trends.  Disney is trendy among a certain set and so it quickly pushes its talent to fame.  Some people may not believe these kids are really and truly talented...they're just being forced on the public by Disney.

    Others may be jealous of their success.  A lot of guys hate the Jonas Brothers because the girls they like have a crush on the Jonas Brothers instead of on them.

    If you like the Jonas Brothers, be a proud fan!  Never mind what the haters say! =)  

  4. the thing is not disney it's the fact that the jonas brothers and basically all the other disney channel "stars" are not talented at all and have horrible voices. the jonas brothers could have started their career on MTV (the worst channel ever) but I still would think that they are horrible same goes for miley cyrus and the other disney channel "stars"  

  5. What are you talking about.

    That has nothing to do with it.

    Okay, I realize you girls are really young, but peoples choice in music varies. when I was in middle school I loved N*Sync. And yes, N*Sync got their big break on Disney too. That doesn't mean EVERYONE liked them.

    So of course people hated on N*Sync, so what.

    Not everyone will like the kinda music you listen too, that doesn't mean they are haters, it just simply means they have a different taste in music.

    By the way I LOVE disney,

    But I still don't like the Jonas Brothers, but that's okay, it's just an opinion. Don't take it to heart.

  6. Cuz they're young s***s that act like they're not having s*x with each other just b/c they have little "promise rings" and we all know that they're all f*****g each other.

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