
Why is it that people?

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that can't have babies think that pregnant woman who don't want their babies owe them something? It is THEIR baby THEY are pregnant and it really rubs me the wrong way when someone asks about abortion and someone that can't have a child calls them a baby killer and tells them to give the child to them. I know this sounds harsh but it annoys me. I understand you want a baby and can't have one but that doesn't mean the world owes you something. there are PLENTY of children to adopt. Just because someone decides to they can't care for the baby growing in them and decides to abort it doesn't mean they are a bad person. I personally would NEVER give my child up for adoption, I don't care what the circumstances were, I don't know if I personally would ever get an abortion but I know I would do that before I would bring a baby into this world I couldn't care for. I don't see where you get off condemning people for choosing not to have a baby.




  1. It is very distasteful to call a person who seeks to terminate a pregnancy a "murderer" or to say they are "killing" a baby. There are those who look at it in a much more scientific way....

    I do empathize with people who have difficulty conceiving......that has got to be terribly heartbreaking........but, so is terminating an unwanted pregnancy.

    EDIT** d**n have been through some pretty hard stuff!! God Bless You!

  2. I had an abortion 8 years ago and got pregnant on the pill. My oldest son was only 4 months old. I decided to do what I did because it was best for me and my son. I didn't want another baby then and was on the pill to prevent one. I hate it that people give me attitude and say I'm horrible for it but I don't regret my decision. I couldn't imagine what it would be like not to have kids but I agree that there are already plenty of kids to be adopted. Nobody has the right to judge me for my decisions. I could never have gave that baby up and couldn't take care of another one then. I never got attached to that child and never even let it sink in I was pregnant. A lot of people say you will think about what you did later on in life and will regret it. I don't.

  3. About 7 years ago I has a miscarriage and was told by my doctor i should consider a hystorectomy. I had ongoing issues with developing cervical and uterine tumors. As well as a strong history of reproductive cancer in my family. I had 5 surgeries in 2 years to remove 17 tumors. Me and my husband decided we wanted one more child. So we held off and had our youngest daughter. 3 days after her birth i had emergency surgery to remove 4 more tumors. One the size of a softball. I scheduled my hystorectomy for 90 days after my daughters birth as my doctor recommended. 60 days later i went in for blood work pre surgery and discovered I was pregnant.Within 2 weeks I lost the baby and had my hystorectomy on schedule. I wouldnt have an abortion for an unwanted pregnancy. But i was fully prepared to have one so I would be able to have my hystorectomy. Everyone has the right to decide what to do with a pregnancy. And unless you have been there you don't have the right to judge.

  4. Everything in life is about perspective.

    Killing an innocent child is wrong, it is murder.  Period.

    Women who have abortions don't owe anything to women who can't have babies... but they owe decency towards human life.  Women who can't have children are especially hurt because they will never be given the option to create life, and here is somebody that is just willling to kill an innocent baby.

    It is a very simple concept, it is as simple as rich people throwing away food while the homeless man watches from across the street.  It is all about perspective.

  5. everyone is entitled to their opinion and i'm not arguing your opinion, but have you been on that side of the fence? i have two children of my own at home. i was raped and became pregnant from it. i went to the abortion clinic, very depressed by the way, and i couldn't go through with it because i heard that little baby's heartbeat. the baby has a heartbeat at a very early stage of the pregnancy. anyways, i knew i couldn't keep the baby so i gave it up for adoption, and the parents who now have the baby couldn't be more grateful. they had been trying to have children for 12 years. plus a lot of adoption agencies don't make it easy to do adoption and its very expensive. i give kudos to those who choose adoption over abortion. murder is murder-an unborn baby is a living breathing human being with a heartbeat and brain waves. you should do more research before you just put something out like that.

  6. Everyone wants to have their own baby.  Not many little girls grow up saying "when I get married I'm going to adopt lots of kids".  It just doesn't happen.  Plus we have to be aware that most of the kids available for adoption or foster care aren't babies, they are children who can walk and talk and go to school already.

    Plus there's the debate of the emotional.  Would you prefer to be called a baby killer by everyone you don't know or feel like you've abandoned one of the few people who count?
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